Chapter 67. Humanity

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Xara's POV.

I poured the soup into the bowls and placed them on the table, smiling at the amazing taste. Nothing had smelled so deliciously before I came out under the sunlight again, not even the piece of fresh bread I had somehow managed to scavenge in the ruins.

Now I was getting used to normal food, that was noticeable. I had never seen it before, but my nails seemed to become stronger, my eyesight - sharper and even my hearing was getting better. There was more will to move around and do stuff, my body could contain more energy than before and it took much more time to tire me out. My hair somehow became darker and more wavy, which I liked a lot.

Yep. I was becoming more like a human.

There was no point in denying or fighting it, mainly because being a human wasn't as bad as I had always imagined it would be. Turned out, humans are more strong than I had thought, and their bodies can actually do a lot of things. Regenerating was one of the most pleasant gifts - back when I was an Admin there were very few things that could hurt me, but the scratches and injuries wouldn't heal until I made them.

Now, the spider bites on my arms were healing steadily, and I didn't have to concentrate on them. Sure enough, it was taking more time than before, but I didn't mind. Since Romeo agreed to stay with me, I had all the time in the world for my wounds and injuries to close.

Speaking of the guy. He opened the door and walked in, smiling brightly and placing the broom back on its place. He looked proud of himself, and I couldn't help laughing at his expression. He had taken a spider off out house, not saved the world!

"Smells delicious." The redhead licked his lips and looked at the soup. "Thank you."

"What for?" I raised an eyebrow and watched him wash his hands, feeling more human instincts take hold of my body as my eyes ran up and down his muscular and fearless form. "I didn't do anything, you're the one who cooked it."

"So?" Romeo huffed and dried his hands with the towel, sitting carelessly on his chair and picking up the spoon. "Thank you nevertheless. You know, for being here for me."

Oh. I blushed and looked in my bowl, taking a sip just to hide the red pain that covered my cheeks and the tip of my nose - the human instinct I didn't really like. Well, it was the most amazing of instincts when it concerned my companion, but when it happened to me it was annoying and humiliating.

Just as I was about to take another spoonful something soft and warm tilted my head up and I found myself staring right into the grey eyes of my best friend, almost my soulmate. His lips curled into a gentle smile as he kept gazing at me, the stare of his eyes gently stroking the side of my face.

"You don't have to hide your blush." He spoke silently and in such a tone that I immediately wanted to hug him. His plaid-covered hand supported my chin, making me smile and rest my head against it. "I always thought it was the most beautiful thing ever."

O-okay! This was enough! I choked and looked away, breathing loudly. What was happening to me?! Why on Earth was I reacting so strangely to normal compliments?!

"Th-thanks." I murmured and kept on eating the soup, hiding my eyes and feeling a smirk on his face. He was happy, happy that I had made such a fool of myself be allowing my body feel too much.

Yes, that was another human trait that I still needed to get used to. As an Admin, my mind controlled everything about my body. I only breathed if I focused on breathing - not that it was necessary, blushed is I concentrated on blushing, smiled if I truly felt like smiling. Human body is far less obedient and almost has a mind of its own, because there's no other rational way to explain all that crazy stuff that is happening to it.

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