Chapter 39. The Safe Place

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Xara's POV.

It’s kinda shameful to admit, but I had no idea how much time Romeo and I just stared at each other and thought about different things. Minutes? Hours? No, not hours, definitely not hours, but it was hard to keep track of time while being so close to my roommate. Maybe he still had a part of his powers with him that made the time and space warp around him?

This thought made me giggle and I stepped back, our hands dropping to our sides in union. The guy rubbed the back of his neck, his cheeks turning pinker and pinker by the second. I guess he was reluctant to show me his blush - he tried to cover it with his hands - but there was no reason for him to be. It was pretty.

- So, um, a-around the lake we walk. - My companion mumbled and hesitantly took a step forward, glancing up at me in utmost worry.
- Yeah. - I nodded and gave him a smile, wincing slightly at the weak headache forming somewhere under my scull. That was a little unnerving and I immediatelly recalled the state I had been in that morning. Cold sweat appeared on my forehead, and I swiftly wiped it away.

Calm down, no need to worry, you don't feel that bad, the headache is caused by not sleeping enough...

A deep breath was all it took for my cheerful facade to return. I smiled again and began moving, Romeo instantly catching up with me. He was still walking a bit behind me, but I was glad to see that the space between us grew bigger and smaller from time to time. There was no more necessity to walk exactly three steps away from me, so both of us could enjoy being a little closer to each other.

It was surprising how quickly I got used to being around my worst enemy, but the truth was that I had been lonely. My prison cell was designed specifically to take away all my contact with other people apart from the Warden and, on occasions, the Admin. And the redhead knew me so much better than anybody else... Truly, I had nobody else to be around.

- Xara? - He asked, a bit unsure. I turned to him and raised an eyebrow, smiling by default at this point. Wow. How did my face manage to hold this expression for so long? Was I just that good at lying? Or maybe it was because of that surge of joy that I felt every time Romeo said something?

- Hmm? - I replied. We were walking slowly, the shiny surface of the lake to our right. The forest greeted us with silent chirping of birds and the ruffling of leaves. We simply went under the natural roof, breathing in the amazing and sweet air. Even my roommate took a deep breath in. So he really wasn't allowed to be outside that much while being stuck in a prison, huh?

- I-if right now you could see something from this world... - He started, stuttering a little. - Something y-you haven’t seen since coming back u-up... What would it be?

I giggled at that, pushing some twig out of the way so that we could pass. Was Romeo making small talks to me now? Now that was something I had been looking forward to without even realising it. There was something truly amazing about just talking to each other because we want to, making a conversation that wouldn't hurt either of us mentally.

- Give me a moment. - I asked, humming silently. This wasn't an easy question. What would I like to see right now? What did I miss the most? Hmm...

- Does it have to be something alive or not? - I asked.
- I-it can be anything at all. - My companion shook his head and gave me some kind of a shrug. Uh-huh. Anything at all? I sure as heck didn't want to see any monsters, no thank you! Some peaceful creature like a bunny? I pondered about that for a couple of moments, before coming up with an answer.

- Honestly, I would like to see a solar eclipse. - I confessed, looking at the sky through the ceiling of branches and leaves. The sun was shining brightly, but I hadn't expected it to do something else. Everyone knows that solar eclipses are very rare, and some even get scared of them. Me? I never was scared of that. There was some true magic in that event, magic that none of us Admins posessed.

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