Chapter 51. The Culmination

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Xara's POV.

This was way much better than arguing or building that dispencer for the first time! I had never felt alone these days, but that hour, when it was just me and Romeo and this lovely redstone, it felt like I had never been happier. There was no tension between the two of us, absolutely no uspoken words or things we needed to apologise for. It was just so natural of us to sit there, side by side, chatting about absolutely not important things and glancing at each other every now and again.

Romeo's grey eyes sparkled with joy every time they met mine, and I couldn't help but chuckle in response every darn time. However it wasn't annoying, and it also wasn't making me go mad. That laughter was coming from inside my body, from that area that people called 'heart' and it made me feel better.

"So, do I push it inside now or later?" I asked, twirling the newly-made redstone torch between my fingers. It was beautiful, even when not glowing, and the scent of the redstone dust never seemed to dissapear from the air. It wasn't irritating my nostrils, though. It was pleasant to me. Probably not as much to my companion, who winced and sneezed every time the wind blew the dust-filled air in his direction.

"Well, it says here to push it in after connecting the repeater to the redstone chain." He read out loud, and once again his eyes shone with playful glee. "But you can be stubborn and do it now, if you want to."

I laughed and, once again, aimed to smack his head. Romeo dodged - it wasn't hard to do so - and gently shoved my hand away from him.

"Redstone chain?" I tilted my head. "That's usually created in the end of the engineering... Have we made that much progress?"

The guy amusingly tilted his head to the side and flipped through the last of the pages. I stared at him, both waiting for the answer and enjoying the view of his concentrated face. From what I remembered - if I remembered correctly - he would sometimes stick out the tip of his tongue from the corner of his mouth when thinking about something too much. Another cute thing about him, if you ask me.

"Uh, yeah, I-I guess we are." He nodded and looked at me again. For a few seconds his eyes were kind, then another cunning smirk crossed his face when he raised his chin proudly. "Well, Xara, you work so much better under my command."

"Excuse me?!" I hissed at him, choking at my laughter. "Under your command?!"

"Why, yes, I thought it was obvious." His voice changed, as if he was deliberately making it sound as much Admin-like as possible. My jaw was beginning to hurt because of smiling so much, but honestly, I couldn't help it. There was something about him something about Romeo that made me react this way. "You do what I tell you to, and we work so much faster together."

"You..." I had to take a breath to calm myself down a little and jump on my feet, my friend immediatelly following me up. "You're just reading out the instructions! It's not like I do what you tell me to or follow your orders..."

"Oh, really? And you just blindly believe me?" He tilted his head, his ridiculously beautiful hair shining as the sunlight fell on it. "Because I'm pretty sure that if I read out 'Step ten: kiss Romeo' you would've..."

My whole face, no my whole body went red at that comment. Wh-what?! Did he really think that I would-that I-that we... No! No no no no no and no again! I mean, sure, we were friends, but I still hated him!

The guy looked at me worriedly and took a careful step towards me. I smirked mentally, looking as shocked as possible on the outside. Oh, what, he thought I would actually take it personally or something?!

"Hey, Xara?" My roommate carefully raised his hands, trying to put them on my shoulders. '"I-I am sorry, I mean, I hadn't intended it to sound like this or..."

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