Chapter 57. The Mystery Of Touches

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Hey, people! Let's give it up to @FluffyPegasus2 AKA the only person who noticed a kiss in the last chapter!

Yes, Romeo kissed Xara. It was actually the second time, but nobody noticed the first one, so I gave it another shot.

Congratulations and enjoy the chapter!

Xara's POV.

I didn't know how long Romeo and I were sitting there, hugging each other and breathing in union, not a care in the world. His hands were stroking my messy, unkept hair soothingly, as if I wasn't the one who had forced him to spend the majority of a night outside, running from monsters and trying to survive.

Suddenly it dawned on me that he had actually been exposed to danger because of me. If something went wrong, if he wasn't fast or smart enough, he could've died out there! Been eaten by a zombie of shot by a skeleton, and I... I might have never noticed it!

"Hey." I murmured silently, my head still pressed to his chest, and a gentle hum in this throat was all I got in reply. "Are you... Have you been hurt at all?"

The redhead exhaled and held me even tighter than before, and I allowed him to think for a few moments. The silence was so peaceful... I didn't want for it to stop.

"No, no, I haven't." He finally replied and nuzzled the top of my head, sending a wave of pure joy down my spine. "I... I hid in the bushes, tried to cover my clothes with mud to hide my scent... It's okay, though. It's okay. I'm okay."

I smiled at those words and shifted to sit more comfortably, my eyes still closed. I didn't want to look around and see that the two of us were still in that shack. Because I was sure that if I tried hard enough, I might've managed to imagine that we were back in our cabin. In our home, where nothing bad had ever happened, joyful and peaceful as ever.

"Are you okay?"

A sigh escaped my lips when I remembered my nightmare. All the illusions and fantasies couldn't hide the truth: everything me and Romeo had now had been broken, torn to shreds. And we were only beginning to fix it, learning how to live with one another and with our past.

"I, uh..." I shrugged and opened my eyes. Yep. We were still in our shack, and we were still mortal beings. "I guess so. It-it was just a nightmare, really."

The redhead nodded thoughtfully and, much to my surprise, didn't say another word for a few minutes. I frowned. For some reason I had been expecting him to ask me about that nightmare, and the fact that he didn't brought some sort of puzzlement and almost... Dissapointment? I just felt like everything would be way easier if I had someone to share my fears and worries to.

However, instead of talking to me about that dream, my friend - official now - just stood up and set me down on the couch. I looked up in his grey eyes and saw a smile that made him look so beautiful... So handsome.

"Okay." He spoke kindly and caringly, and for once I could be sure that it wasn't fake. He cared about me. He really did. "I-I'll go cook us some breakfast, okay? There's some rice in one of the drawers, and by the looks of it it's still good to eat. Hope you don't have anything against porridge!"

I shook my head. As long as there weren't any mushrooms, I was more than okay with everything he cooked. But my eyes lingered on his bandaged wrists and I frowned. The white bandages turned into almost brown, and I was not sure it was okay for his wounded wrists.

"Wait, like this?" I asked and shook my head. "No. No way. Food can wait. We need to change your... Our bandages first, you should put on something way cleaner, wash your hair and body."

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