Chapter 23. Unwanted Lesson

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Xara's POV.

I couldn't help but constantly glance at Romeo every now and then, every time hoping that I would see any change in his behavior. No such luck, and with every time I did so his longing gaze seemed to become even more scared, even more sad. I sighed and took another bite of the sadwich, but it tasted like paper. Tried to drink some tea - it became no better, than simple water.

I sighed and rubbed my forehead. So much for a peaceful picnic outside to get our mind off things. But how was I supposed to know what could make my roommate worried? Literally everything I did brought him either fear or painful reminders!

- Romeo. - I patted his shoulder gently. - Hey, what's... What's wrong?
He barely looked at me, but that split moment his eyes stared in mine I felt all the darkness in his mind. I swear, for one instant I almost became him, and those memories that had been haunting him attacked me. For one second - and then it disappeared so quickly, as if it had never even been there in the first place.

And then the redhead shook his head weakly, the curls on his head bouncing slightly.
- It's nothing. - He claimed and pretended to take another bite of his food, but I saw that he wasn't chewing. Whatever had happened to him in the prison still held too strong of a grip on him. Could this ever be cured? Could I ever have my old friend back?

I groaned and stood up, Romeo immediatelly looking at me in a sort of surprise.
- What are you doing? - He asked cautiously, although the words sounded kinda muffled because he still hadn't swallowed his food.
- Just taking a walk around. - I replied, shrugging and brushing the bread crumbles off my clothes. - Shouldn't take too long, don't worry.

He nodded and his eyes went back to staring at one spot in the lake. The water surface was absolutely flat, not even the wind created any waves. So I could only guess how the hell did he know where his T-shirt had sank, or if he was just staring at the water in general. One thing I knew for certain, I couldn't stay any longer with him. His mood affected mine, that's for sure. And I didn't really want to be in all that nostalgic-sad-terrified condition he was in.

My legs slowly carried me around the lake. There was no wind to ruffle my hair, and the sun felt a little too hot on my skin already. But I knew that it was good for me, I knew it and so didn't try to cover.

My thoughts slowly ventured back to Romeo. He was still legit terrified of the Mr. Undead Doctor, and, honestly, I couldn't blame him. I hadn't spent even an hour with John Doe, and one mentioning of his name could already give me shivers. And if my roommate had to see him for a whole year, I was surprised we were actually making progress.

But I still had to somehow grow the seeds of trust between the two of us. And it couldn't be done if he was scared or worried, it couldn't be done if spirit of that demon had more power in Romeo's eyes than me.

But how could I possibly make him trust me even more? He was sure he would be punished for throwing his clothes in the water, how could I make him believe I wouldn't hurt him? This was way too much for me to handle, I couldn't do it! Romeo needed professional help, not a had-been Admin with troubled memory! That's it, I should just send him to a real hospital with a real doctor where he could get real help.

And probably lose him forever.

I sighed and looked at Romeo. He was still sitting on the opposite shore of the lake, not daring to move his eyes from the water. Something came to exist in the corner of my mind, a thought that made me stop in my tracks and also look at the shining water surface.

Hmm... Technically, I could try to ease his worries. Maybe just a little bit, but it would be so much greater than having him in anxiety and constant terror of John Doe coming back and torturing him for acting out. The last time I had tried to swim turned out to be not so much of a failure, so what could stop me now?

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