Chapter 54. The Haunting Memories

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Xara's POV.

Darkness. Darkness was around. Cold and chilly darkness that seemed to sink into my body, claw its way under my skin and rip my cells apart.

I looked around in fear, suddenly noticing some weird glow around me. What? What was happenning? Nothing seemed to be here, nothing at all! Just darkness and nothing more, well, apart from that weird glow...

And then my eyes spotted something, and the place around me snapped into existence. I sucked in a sharp breath and stared at the object that was floating in the air in front of me. It... It was a sword. A sword made of some glowing material, the ones that Romeo had always been able to create with a snap of his fingers. And the sword... It was pointing right at me.

"Romeo?" I called out in fear and took a step back. What was going on?! Where the heck was I?! What was this place?! "Where are you? What's going on?! Wh-"

"Why did you push me away?"

My heart skipped a beat and I turned around sharply. Romeo! He was standing there, right behind me, looking down so that his scarlet hair covered his face. I couldn't hold back a relieved smile, even though everything was absolutely crazy. At least I wasn't all alone! At least he didn't leave me here on my own!

"What is this place?" I asked again, moving towards the guy. "How did you get here? Romeo, what's ha-"

A startled yelp cut me off, for the next moment the man glared at me. I froze there, barely understanding that this yelp had belonged to me, shaking under the glare of his eyes. His eyes... Glowing red and golden, just-just like before. Just like when he had his powers.

"Why did you push me away?!" He repeated, much more angrily this time. I gulped and attempted to back away, only for my back to crash into something hard. Somebody gripped my shoulders so tightly that I let out a scream and began to trash around in wild hopes of freing myself.

"You're delusional." Another voice growled and I froze there as the crushing grip on my shoulders was becoming tighter and tighter, to the point where I was sure it could snap my bones. But I didn't feel it. Didn't feel anything, actually, other than the crazy pounding of my heart, which was almost trying to break out of my chest and cower away in fear.

"You're delusional." The same voice repeated and ground collided with my face when I was thrown down, roughly pushed away from whoever was keeping me hostage. My breath got knocked out of my lungs and the agony blossomed in my body when a kick landed on my side.

What was happenning?! What was going on?! I scrambled to get on my feet, but another hit right between my shoulder blade sent me down once again.

Panic was beginning to spread through my limbs, yet there was no adrenaline, and suddenly I became vary if all the aching in my poor mortal body. Hushed voices surrounded me, vaguely reminding me of my friends, and I flipped myself onto my back.

Only to stare in those familiar eyes right above me, those violet eyes that had once belonged to me.

"You're delusional." It was me! Well, me from before, how I looked before losing my powers! She-she stared down at me in disgust and shook her head angrily.

"She's not!" Romeo growled, and I-she-the other I turned around to glare at him. He held her gaze proudly and glanced at me again. A silent gasp escaped my mouth when I felt something unbearably hot flash across my chest.

"She is." The Admin-I repeated and stomped her foot, and that action made me yell as another wave of pain rushed through my body. If only I could understand what was causing it, but there was nothing! I couldn't do anything! "She doesn't fight. She surrendered."

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