Chapter 63. Needed And Wanted

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Xara's POV.

I couldn't look in Romeo's eyes enough. They used to remind me of burning lava before, deadly and vicious and ruthless, but now I looked in them and saw so many different, beautiful things.

I saw the sky before the storm, calm but containing immense danger. I saw dark waters of seas, which could pull you under and make you drown in them. I saw fresh metal, ready to be used in my redstone mechanisms, to obey my every command and bring happiness to people. Those eyes reminded me of the silver moonlight that crept into our house at night and brought peace and happiness to me. Those eyes seemed to bring me cold after the horrible scrouch of the Underneath, they were a shelter to me that defended me from everything that wanted to hurt me.

I loved those eyes. I loved them when they were filled with magical thoughts and when they sparkled in glee. I loved to look at them before going to bed and after waking up. Actually, I wanted those eyes to be the first thing I saw every morning, like a guarantee that everything would be okay.

"You're staring." Romeo smiled and I just scoffed, disregarding those words. Yeah, I was staring, so what? "Like what you see?"

"Yep." I nodded, my gaze never leaving his beautiful eyes. They are believed to be the mirror of a soul, right? If that was the case, he had the purest and the brightest soul I had ever seen, and it was just fantastic.

"Can I stare at you too?" The redhead requested, and I replied with a soft nod of my head. Of course he could stare at me if he wanted to, though I didn't really get why he would want to. Was I beautiful? Was I pretty like him? My eyes were certainly much darker, and my skin was paler.

I had never thought I was beautiful. It hadn't mattered before, I only relied on my mind and my memory and my skills. In prison beauty was something that could only lure freaks and perverts to you, so I was always content on making myself look as scary as it was possible. Now, though...

Now I wanted to be beautiful. If not for myself, at least for Romeo. This was also probably the reason I began to pay attention to my clothes and actually try to look nice.

The guy cupped my chin with his plaid-covered hand and raised my head, making me look at him. My hands fell to my sides as I allowed him to turn my head this way and that, tuck my hair behind my ear and just look at me with such passion that I was about to melt thanks to the warmth inside his beautiful eyes. Wow.

"So this is what it's like to have friends?" I murmured, my head sinking into his touch. Oh, how I wished we would just abandon the plaid, the clothes and everything that was in the way of our bodies touching! But he was scared, he was terrified. So I just had to wait for him to get better.

"I suppose so." He whispered back and his hand finally found its way on my waist, pulling me closer to my companion. And like all the times when we were close to each other, my thoughts turned into jelly and my mind lost the ability to focus on the whole picture. My eyes noticed tiny things, tiny details that I never would've seen normally. His lips. Small, barely visible scars on his cheeks. His ears. His nose.

"What are you doing?" He whispered to me, and his voice resonated in my chest. I blinked - and realised that my hands were now resting on the back of his neck. His head was just a few inches away from mine, and my arms were just pulling it closer and closer, wanting to completely close the gap between us.

"What are you doing?" I replied in the same breathless whisper, feeling his hand on my waist pull me more and more against him. Oh my... This was so strange, but so, so amazing. His other hand was still supporting my head, and I was sure that if it wasn't here I would've pressed my head to his chest or done something equally stupid.

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