#59: Love's Dying Song

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1) Angst

2) I made a fluffy one shot based around 'You Are My Sunshine', so now it's time to make it angsty... I'm not sorry.

~Natsu's POV~
I can still hear it, loud and clear. It rings in my head everyday from when I wake up, to when I lay my head down to rest.

It doesn't stop, and it never will.

The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping...

Her gentle voice, still so soft even after all the screaming, all the pain.

I dreamed I held you in my arms...

It was a strangled whisper, barely audible. Yet it still rang out, loudly above all the noise.

When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken...

All the chaos, all the destruction. The cries of desperate times, of difficult times.

So I bowed my head and I cried.

I held her in my arms as I sang. I wouldn't stop, as much as she told me to. She told me to save my breath so I could comfort others once she was gone. I didn't want to accept it, I couldn't.

You are my sunshine...

I kept singing, and she only knew one way to shut me up at the time.

My only sunshine...

She sang with me, she finished my pleading cry for her to stay. She said she didn't want to let me go, she said she didn't want to leave, but she did.

You make me happy...

And as she bled out from the gaping wound in her chest, as she finished the song, I could only keep crying.

When skies are grey...

I still cry myself to sleep every night, I can't help it. I miss her so much, I wonder where she is right now. I hope she's happy wherever that is.

You'll never know, dear...

I hope she misses me where she is, I really do.

How much I love you...

I love you, Lucy.

"Please don't take my sunshine away."

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