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Jesse's POV.

My steps echoed through probably the entire building, which, I must admit, was massive. It was cold in these long, endless hallways with white floor, ceiling, walls and doors. And it smelled like in every proper hospital, sterile. But, as we walked, I understood it was anything but an ordinary hospital. Mostly because on almost every door there was this modern lock that needed a key-card to open, and on windows to the chambers there were these thick iron bars. It all looked a lot like some sort of madhouse mixed with prison for especially dangerous criminals.

- So. - I cleared my throat. - What exactly does your company do?
- We help people, mostly criminals, of course, to change. - Dr. John Doe answered without hesitation. He was a tall man in his early forties, his short hair a colour of dark shocolate and his eyes are warm, light blue. He had a small mole right in the center of his well-shaved chin and some freckles in the corners of his mouth. He also had this strange sort of a smile, that seems friendly, but sends shivers running down your spine. Dr. John was wearing a long white doctor's gown and a small golden earring in his right ear.

He felt to be a part of this place itself.

- Change? - I raised an eyebrow, for it sounded a little bit scary. - What are the changes?
- A little while ago we had a patient. - Mr Doe explained. - He used to be a serial killer, who had started his criminal career with murdering animals. For two or three months we couldn't let him outside, for he would simply attack every living creature. But, a week before the final stage of our program, he had a pet cat. And to mention, we have only worked with him for half a year. Think about what he could turn into if he stayed with us for longer.

My eyes widened in shock. Six month - and a murdering psycopath turned into a cat lover? This was something absolutely new to me.
- That sounds hard to believe. - I confessed. - How exactly do you make such global changes in such short amount of time?
Doctor smiled coldly, though his eyes were as warm as the sunlight.
- With due respect, mr mayor. - He closed his eyes for a second. - Our methods are a secret of our company, and I have no right to tell you about them. All I can say is that we use the latest technology and psychology.

I understood him, of course. Nothing personal, simply business - even though this business sounded extremely hard to believe in, but then again. If three-headed ghast existed, what was so surprising about this... Correctional facility?
- I still don't understand. - I said as we walked into another long hallway. - Why should I send Romeo here instead of letting him go to his mothetland? He has seen the error of his ways, he's sorry for what he's done.

- Statistics show, sir, that almost eighty five percent of criminals tend to go back on the track after being reformed. - Dr. Doe's voice didn't change at all. - That is one of the things our programm tries to avoid. Criminals can lie to people, they can pretend and act for years, but at the right moment their true side will come out. However, I can give you a hundred percent garanty that nothing like that will happen if the criminal is under our control.

I bit my lower lip, looking at the white floor below me. After all, Romeo was evil since the creation of this world, and it did seem pretty unlikely that he could change all of a sudden.
- This Romeo... - Cold voice of the doctor brought me back in the reality. - Are you sure he's truly and fully understood all his sins?
I sighed and shook my head.

- Then I believe you should bring him to us. - Doctor suggested again. - We will not only make sure he's reformed once and for all, but we could also change him. Get rid of every inch of evil left in his heart, and replace it with something absolutely different.
- Like what? - I tensed instantly. This whole "changing" thing didn't sound so peaceful, did it?

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