not your boyfriend anymore // sp

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At the mall, Toni dragged you into every store possible making you try on dresses and rompers and anything she thought you would look cute in.

"This is taking forever. Nothing i pick is working. We need reinforcements." she said pulling out her phone from her bag.

"What is all of this about, T? I thought we were casually shopping. You're making it seem like i'm shopping for a special occasion." you also pulled out your phone to check the date, making sure you weren't forgetting something. Low and behold, it was yours and Sweet Pea's anniversary.

"Oh my god!" you exclaimed, "I forgot it's our anniversary. Sweet Pea's going to kill me. Quick i need to get him something." you rushed around grabbing Toni's hand and pulling her towards the men section of the store you were in.

"Calm down, girlie. Sweet Pea isn't going to kill you because you never really pay any attention to dates anyway. Just send him a cute text, he's working anyway." she said. You nodded, opening yours and Pea's text thread sending an i love you, happy anniversary, sorry i forgot text. You knew he wasn't going to be able to reply for a while, still doing whatever business for the Serpents but he'd see it. Seconds later, you phone dinged. Sweet Pea's name popped up telling you that he sent you a text, i love you. Pick out whatever dress and shoes you want. It's on me today. (preferably blue, you know i love you in blue). See you tonight, baby.

You smiled at the text you received, "what'd he say?" Toni asked peering over your shoulder to read the message.

"Aww, how cute. Cheryl is on her way to help us find you a dress. In blue per Sweet Pea's request." she nudged your arm making you blush a little.

When Cheryl showed up, the three of you looked around grabbing blue dresses for you to try on when finally, you found one. It was a simple blue tank dress that hugged your curves in all the right places and stopped right at your knee. The swooped neck allowed just enough cleavage to have Pea's eyes wondering but not enough that you didn't look classy. The color was a royal blue the complimented your skin tone. You looked yourself over once more in the mirror before walking out to show Toni and Cheryl. When you stepped out from behind the door of the dressing room, both their eyes popped out of their heads.

"That's the one." Cheryl said.

"I wanna bang you so if Sweet Pea sees you in that and his first reaction isn't to rip it off you, then get rid of him." Toni said making Cheryl agree. You smiled and went back into the dressing room to put your original clothes back on before heading to the check out to buy the dress. While you were changing back, Cheryl and Toni found a pair of strappy black heels, handing them to you to buy with the dress. You pulled out your card when the cashier told you your total, only to be stopped by Toni, "What are you doing? Sweet Pea said it was on him and if he finds out you didn't buy this stuff with his card, he'll flip. Take advantage of your man's generosity." She said taking your card out of your hand and switching it with Sweet Pea's card.


Toni and Cheryl helped you do your makeup and hair, you were still confused on what the occasion was. You knew it was your and Sweet Pea's anniversary, but he wasn't coming back until super late. Or at least, that's what he told you. He said he had business with the Serpents the night before, but wouldn't be back until late the next day.

"What's this all about, guys?" you asked as Cheryl blended out your eye shadow and Toni brushed out a curl.

"You'll see. Patience is virtue, y/n." Cheryl said tapping your nose. You rolled your eyes, though they were closed so neither of the girls saw and let them finish whatever they were doing.

"And done. Now you can open your eyes." Toni said after she fluffed your hair one last time. You took a deep breath before opening your eyes and taking in your appearance. You looked like you were about to walk the red carpet for some crazy event.

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