cats out of the bag // sp

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You walked into school with a smile on your face, greeting Betty and Veronica as you met them at your locker.

"Good morning, B and V. How's it going?" you asked.

"Pretty good. What's got you all chipper this morning. Usually you're a drag and kind of hard to be around." Betty joked.

"Nothing. Can't a girl just be happy." you argued back jokingly.

"I'd say it has something to do with those hickies on her neck." Veronica said not-so-quietly as she pretended to whisper in Betty's ear. Betty raised her eyebrow at you with a smirk playing at her lips.

"Oh shit." your smile dropped from your face.

"Busted." Betty and Veronica said in unison.

"So spill. Who is it?" Veronica said.

"It's no one. Can we please leave it?" you whined feeling your face get hotter as they continued to pry.

"Can we leave what? Please tell me we're playing a game of who left those hickies on y/n's neck because i so want to play." Kevin said from behind you.

"Not you too, Kev." you said annoyed hiding your head inside of your locker.

"You know we're going to find out so you might as well just tell us, y/n." Betty said poking you in your sides. You squirmed away and slammed your locker shut.

"I'm going to class." you quickly rushed away from the three of them heading to y our class that you were going to be really early for, but you couldn't stand the teasing from your friends any longer or you'd word vomit who you've been secretly dating.

"Morning guys." Sweet Pea greeted Toni and Fangs as he sat down at the picnic table they occupied.

"You still have lipstick on your neck, Sweets. You know for someone who's trying to be sneaky, you sure do a terrible job at hiding the evidence." Toni said grabbing a napkin and wiping off the left over lipstick from his neck.

"When are you going to spill the beans about who you've been sneaking around with?" Fangs asked handing Sweet Pea the other Pop Tart out of the package he just opened.

"Never." Sweet Pea joked taking a bite of the Pop Tart.

"This color looks very familiar. All it takes and for me to carry this napkin around and compare it to every girl who's wearing lipstick today, which isn't very many. I'll know by second period who you've been screwing." Toni teased. Sweet Pea snatched the napkin from Toni's hand, crumpling it up and shoving it into his pocket.

"Chill out, you two. You'll find out eventually. When we're ready to broadcast. But for now, we're enjoying this being a just us thing. Stop prying." Sweet Pea said standing up and walking away.

"You know, any other girl he probably would've punched you and sent one of the girl Serpents after me. This girl, whoever she may be, might actually be good for him." Toni said looking over at Fangs.

"What do you mean?" Fangs asked, confusion spreading across his face.

"I mean, he's going soft." Toni laughed as Fangs' eyebrows raised up and he lets out a long but quiet 'oh'.

"Toni, Fangs. I think it's time we join forces. I have a hunch that our girl is sneaking around with tall, dark and mysterious." Veronica said sitting down at the table.

"Funny because i was just thinking the same thing." Toni said making room for Betty and Kevin to sit down.

"So how do we get them to spill?" Fangs asked.

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