accidents happen // vl

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Driving through the streets if Riverdale during a wind storm was not ideal, but here you were. Cruising along the streets, paying extra attention to get to Veronica's house. The things you do for that girl. You were coming up to a stop light, but of course the wind was so strong it blew the power out, so you stopped. Treating the non-working lights as if it were a four-way stop sign. You were about to go until you noticed a car coming from the side not bothering to stop so you waited. The last thing you remembered was the sound of metal crunching and tires screeching.

You woke up to the sound of someone shouting at you, "Can you hear me, miss?"

"Yeah, can you maybe stop yelling. You're killing my head." you reached up wincing slightly at throbbing pain that only got worse when you touched it.

The guy who was yelling a second ago let out a chuckle before advising you not to touch your head, "Do you feel pain anywhere else?" he asked.

"Just soreness but my head feels like it's exploding." you answered. He left for a second to grab another guy to help get you out without jostling you too much. While you waited you looked over at the passenger side where there was supposed to be another seat, only to find the door crunched in completely. Yikes you thought, what the hell happened?

The guy came back with someone else and they opened your door, helping you out and leading you over to the ambulance that was waiting. That's when you realized you should probably call your mom and Veronica.

"Have you seen my phone?" you asked as you checked your pockets but didn't feel it.

"It's probably somewhere in your car. You can use mine to call whoever on our way to the hospital." the EMT said handing you his cell phone. Immediately you called your mom, informing to your best knowledge of what happened. The details were still a bit fuzzy.

"Can you please call Veronica and bring her when you come? I can't find my phone and i don't remember her number."

"Sure thing, sweetheart. See you soon." you could tell she was worried out of her mind, but she wanted to stay as calm as possible. You knew your injuries weren't too bad, but then again, you don't remember what happened so there could literally be a list of things wrong.

You hung up and gave the phone back to the EMT and laid back on the bed, closing your eyes only hoping it would help calm the pain in your head.

"Don't go falling asleep on me now. You most likely have a concussion." the EMT said.

"Is that the worst thing that's happened?" you asked.

"Other than some bruising and a few cuts from the glass, i'd say the concussion is definitely the worst injury for you." he informed.

You stayed silent for the rest of the ambulance ride. The EMT cleaned up the blood that spilled from the cut on your forehead and stopped the bleeding. He kept telling you that the only thing you'd have to worry about it taking care of yourself, insurance and the cops would take care of everything else.

When you arrived at the hospital, you were wheeled into a room immediately and seconds later your mom and Veronica burst through the door.

"Oh thank god, you're okay, honey." your mom said rushing over to kiss your forehead. Veronica sat next to you in silence, grabbing your hand in hers and refusing to let go. Even when the doctor came in.

He ran a few tests and xrays to make sure there was nothing else wrong that you hadn't seen or felt yet due to the adrenalen. Thankfully, the only thing you walked away with is a cut on your forehead and a concussion from hitting the wheel and the window during impact.

Sheriff Keller walked in after the doctor left to get all of your paperwork together for insurance and to call in the prescription he wanted you to take for your head.

"How are you feeling, y/n?" he asked.

"Good besides my head. Can you tell me what happened? I don't really remember much." you confessed.

"You stopped at the light because the power was out, i'm assuming you were also waiting for the idiot who wasn't going to stop to pass but there was another car behind you who planned on not stopped either so when they rear ended you, your car went into the intersection and the car you were waiting for, hit your passenger side. Both cars were going over the speed limit as well, which is why your car got pushed into the intersection."

"Oh my god, am i gonna get a ticket?" you rushed, eyes wide with panic.

"No, the car that rear ended you is at fault. You don't have to worry about a thing. Their insurance will cover your medical bills. Unfortunately though, i'm positive your car is totaled." he explained. You let out a sigh of relief when he told you you weren't in trouble.

"Don't worry about your car, dear. Your father and i will talk with Mr. Mantle tomorrow." your mom told you patting your leg to tell you not to worry about anything. Your mom and Sheriff Keller left to get some coffee from the hospital cafeteria, leaving you and Veronica alone.

"You've been awful quiet this whole time, V." you pointed out.

"I was freaking out when your mom called me. I thought you were dying. I don't know what the hell i would've done if you did die. God, i was so worried about you." words flew out of her mouth at a high speed as she got out everything that was running through her mind as she sat silent and listened to you and your mom talk to the doctor.

"I didn't die and i'm not going to, V. it's just a concussion. I'll be good as new before you know it."

"Still doesn't stop me from worrying about you. I care so much about you that i called Kevin to tell his dad to arrest whoever hit you and cause the accident. Of course he told me that was possible because the guy wasn't under the influence and no one died. He just wasn't paying attention apparently. He did get a pretty hefty ticket though." Veronica explained. You let out a chuckle thinking about her sassiness telling Kevin to have his dad arrest the guy for hitting you.

"Good to know you'll go to those means to get back at anyone who does anything to me." you laughed.

Soon your mom came back and told you the doctor said you were clear to leave and the three of you headed out. Veronica sat in the back seat, with your head in her lap while she played with your hair. Your mom offered for her to stay the night and Veronica quickly stated that she was going to regardless if she was invited or not, which made you and your mom chuckle.

You were going to be out of school for a couple of days until the headache went away and you got used to the medicine so everyday was an argument with you and Veronica. She refused to go to school, wanting nothing more than to just stay home with you and take care of you.

"Well then who's going to bring me all of my assignments and well taken notes so i don't have to read everything?" you asked.

"I'll have Betty do it." she answered quickly.

"Veronica, don't be ridiculous, Betty and i only share two classes. You and i have literally the exact same schedule. I'm fine. Just go to school and come back after. I'm going to need your help with the work anyways." you kissed her cheek before gently pushing her to the front door.

A couple hours later, you were sat on the couch watching the mindless kid shows they played during the weekday afternoon since there was nothing on. Suddenly a knock came from the front door and you got up to go open it. There stood Veronica with both hers and your bags on her shoulders with a shit eating grin on her face.

"What are you doing, V?" you asked.

"I twisted my ankle this morning at practice and i told the nurse i might have sprained it so she sent me home to go get it checked." she said as she walked like there was absolutely nothing wrong with her ankle.

"But obviously there's nothing wrong." you said.

"What the nurse doesn't know won't hurt her. Besides, accidents happen." she said with a shrug. You rolled your eyes before laughing and joining her on the couch, getting started on the stack of school work you had to finish and take back when you were ready to go back to school.

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