your nerd // dd

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"I still can't believe you're with that nerd, y/n. Y'know when we had that rumble with the northsiders, he was there and he stabbed himself with his own knife and then proceeded to blame it on us." Sweet Pea said as he sat down at the table with you, your sister Toni and Fangs.

"Yeah well, justified. You guys were ridiculous when it came to the feud. I admit stabbing himself was a bit extreme and trust me when i say, he heard an earful from me about it, but you guys need to promise you'll at least try to be nice to him. He may be a nerd, but he's my nerd." you said throwing your purple hair over your shoulder.

"He told me he thinks the whole pink and purple hair you and Toni have is stupid." Fangs said.

"Oh shut it, Fogarty. Dilton would never say something i did was stupid. Plus, our hair is our brand." you said nudging Toni's shoulder.

"Yeah yeah." He said rolling his eyes jokingly at you while a smile played on his lips.

You and Dilton had been together for a few months and you just recently told everyone about it. Thankfully everyone was pretty chill with it so far.

"Where is Dilton anyway?" Toni asked looking over at you.

"He is hanging out with some of his friends. We're going to meet at Pop's in the morning for breakfast before school." you answered as you gathered all of the empty cups on the table to talk them behind the bar.

"The boy scouts you mean." Sweet Pea teased.

"He's not in the boy scouts, asshat." you called over your shoulder. Toni chuckled as the two of you began cleaning the cups.

"I'm just saying, y/n. You could do so much better."

"Listen, Pea. you're being a dick and i don't appreciate it. You're my best friend and i would love if you at least acted like you were fucking happy for me. I like Dilton, a lot. He was there when Reggie humiliated me in that stupid playbook and i fell for him so if you can't keep your stupid and mean jokes to yourself, then please don't talk to me." you snapped. Toni's eyes got wide, Fangs almost dropped his pool stick in shock and Sweet Pea laughed.

"You're joking right?" he asked.

"No, i'm not fucking joking. And i'm definitely not joking when i say do not say a word to me unless it's an apology for dogging my boyfriend and thinking it's okay." you said throwing the wet washcloth you were using to clean with at his face and walking out of the bar. After climbing into your truck and slamming the door shut you pulled out your phone to call Dilton.

"Hey, honey." he answered.

"Dilton, you know i hate that. You sound like an old man." you joked trying to not sound like you were about to cry, but failing when you let out a sniffle.

"What's wrong?"

"Sweet Pea and i had a bit of a disagreement. Can i see you?" you asked letting a tear fall.

"I'll meet you at your place." he said quickly. You heard rummaging and the protest of his friends but he quickly told them to shut up before he told you he'd see you in a bit and hung up.

You wiped your tears and drove to your trailer, getting their before Dilton because the Wyrm was much closer than any of his friends houses on the Northside. You decided to change into some sweats and a tank top and make some popcorn to eat with the movie you'll most likely end up watching so that it'd would be ready when he got here.

Right when the microwave beeped, a knock on your trailer door sounded. You walked over to answer it, expecting to see Dilton but instead was greeted by an angry Sweet Pea.

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