busted // sp

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"y/n!" jughead yelled as he rushed into the lounge, "i need to borrow your laptop to finish these articles for the blue and gold. Mine just crashed."

"Sure thing, Jug." you pulled your laptop out of your bag and handed it to him. He mumbled a quick thanks before rushing off again, you assumed back to the B&G room.

"That boy is very dramatic." you mumbled to Fangs who let out a chuckle.

The next day, you went to the lounge first thing in the morning to get your laptop back from Jughead so you could finish a paper that was due at the end of the week. When you walked in, everyone's head snapped in your direction and they all had giant, shit-eating grins on their faces.

"What the hell has gotten into you guy?" you asked.

"Oh nothing. I was just telling them about a little video i found on your laptop while trying to email the articles to Betty last night. You and Sweet Pea are very adorable, if i do say so myself." your eyes widened as Jughead revealed why they were all staring at you with mocking smiles.

"Shit." you whispered.

You sat on the floor in Sweet Pea's trailer trying to record your cover of Here Comes the Sun, but you couldn't get the chords right on the ukulele. Sweet Pea sat on the chair across from you watching as you struggled, thinking about how adorable you looked when you were frustrated.

"No, you're not even playing the right chords, silly." he joked walking over to you and taking the instrument from your hand. He sat down next to you playing the tune with ease.

"How about you play while i sing." you suggested.

"As long as this doesn't go anywhere. I have a reputation to maintain, sugar." he puffed out his chest and made his voice deeper, emphasizing his bad boy reputation to make you laugh, which he had.

"Okay, strummer boy. From the top." you snapped your fingers and Sweet Pea started playing. He couldn't keep the smile off his face as your soft, soothing voice filled the air around him. He loved your voice more than anything in the world and would practically beg you to sing to him sometimes. Times like these, where you both were sitting on the floor, him strumming the ukulele while you hummed or sang softly to the tune were his favorite. And yours too.

You smiled at him when you locked eyes, catching him staring at you the whole time. Your heart jumped from your chest when his smile got wider, the twinkle in his eyes growing brighter as he listened to you. You found yourself not being able to break the eye contact, which ended up with you singing to him for the last minute or so of the song. When Sweet Pea strummed the final chord, and you sang the last note, he sat the ukulele down to cup your face gently in his hands giving you a soft and loving kiss.

"Ah the second half of the whole." Jughead announced as Sweet Pea walked in the room.

"What are you on about this time, Jones." Sweet Pea rolled his eyes, not being a huge fan of Jughead's antics sometimes.

"We were just discussing a rather cutsie video of you and y/n. Care to comment?" he asked holding out a pretend microphone as if he were a news reporter.

"You showed them?" Sweet Pea turned to you, eyes wider than his entire face.

"No i didn't show them. Jughead borrowed my laptop because his crashed. I didn't think he'd snoop through it." you exclaimed.

"Look all you gotta do is tell us what's going on and we'll leave it be." Toni shrugged.

"Well obviously we're together you idiots. I'm more annoyed you saw that video."

"Right, because of your reputation. Think that's out the window now, Pea. You're a giant softie now." Fangs commented.

Sweet Pea huffed in annoyance, yanking your laptop out of Jughead's hands, "We're deleting that video."

"But i love that video." you whined.

"Too bad. You lost the privilege of having it after you let Jones, the most nosey human being on the planet next to Betty, borrow your damn laptop." you could tell Sweet Pea wasn't actually mad, just putting up a front for the gang to show he wasn't a softie really, but you knew he was the kindest most gentle person whenever it was just the two of you so you let him have his little moment and delete the video from the laptop. You were smart enough to send it to your phone so you still had it, Sweet Pea just didn't need to know that.

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