bossy // malachai

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Malachai was your boyfriend and had been for years, way before he even got to be the Ghoulie king. When he rose up and took the crown, you became his Queen and everything he did was to take over the Southside and protect you. You may not be an official Ghoulie, but by blood and association you were one of them.

You sat at one of the tables in the Ghoulie hangout listening to Malachai go on about the Serpents and the race Jughead Jones challenged them to, the bet being all of Sunnyside Trailer Park and the Wyrm. Your dad sat next to you nodding along as he spoke, agreeing with everything he said making you roll your eyes. You didn't think this was a good idea, knowing the Northsiders couldn't be trusted and they definitely had something up their sleeve.

"y/n, baby. You're going to boost the engine as best you can for me. Make sure there's no way we're losing this race." he said sending you a wink. You nodded your head already knowing that you were going to be put on engine duty. You were the best mechanic out of all the Ghoulie's, especially when it came to old fashioned cars. You knew them better than anyone. He handed you some blueprints as far as what he wanted done to the engine. You took them from him and looked over them figuring up how much this was going to cost.

"But after that, you're to stay in the House of Dead. I want you nowhere near that race. Understood?"

"Is this a joke?" you asked him slapping the blueprints down on the table. Everyone got quiet and waited to see how this was going to play out.

"No it's not a joke. I don't want you anywhere near the race in case those pricks do have anything up their sleeve. I want you safe and sound, right here. No arguments. What i said is final."

"Don't try to use that what i say goes bullshit on me, i'm not one of your goons. I'm your girlfriend. What happens if something goes wrong with the engine. I don't see any other person in this room capable of fixing it."

"Your dad taught you everything you know. I'm sure he can manage. But you being my girl is exactly the reason why you're not going to that race, sweet cheeks. I can't risk you getting caught up an any of this."

"I agree with Malachai, y/n. It's best if you stay here." your dad said from beside you.

"Fuck this," you said pushing the blueprints away from you and standing up, "fuck that, and fuck you too." you said as you pointed a harsh finger in Malachai's face before storming out.

You went straight to your and Malachai's room in the House of Dead. Walking to the dresser and grabbing clothes to change into for the night. You were in the middle of changing when the door slammed open. You didn't flinch, knowing exactly who it was. You ignored them and continued to change with your back facing him.

"What the hell was that?" he growled.

"That was me telling you to have my dad build your engine." you said pulling a shirt over your head.

"Don't get smart with me. And look at me when i'm talking to you." he said putting his hand on your hip and turning you around gently but still angry at your outburst.

"See what you're not going to do is treat me like i'm one of your Ghoulies. I'm your girlfriend, Kai. i'm not even in the damn gang."

"It's my job to protect you. You and i both know that those preppy bitches have something up their sleeve and if i can help it, you're not getting caught in the crossfire for just being associated with us - with me. I need someone here holding down the fort if i get thrown in the slammer." he said still very angry but slightly calmer than before.

"You're not going in the slammer. You're coming right back here after you win that damn race, understood?"

"Mmm yes, ma'am." he smirked stepping closer and pressing his body against yours. He moved so his head was in the crook of your neck placing hot kisses as he moved up to your jawline and finally meeting your lips.

"Since you felt the need to sass me in front of my guys, i think i need to show you who's boss around here." he growled playfully.

"Yeah, but the difference is, i'm not a Ghoulie. I'm just fucking one so that means you're not the boss of me."

"That mouth of yours is the reason for a lot of my anger you know that."

"Admit you love when i get this way. It turns you on." you whispered biting down on his bottom lip.

"You're damn right." he flipped you around and slapped his hand down hard against your ass making you gasp. You crawled up the bed turning around and letting your head hit the pillow as you watched Malachai crawl up and in between your legs. You cupped his face with it was level with yours and kissed him softly.

"Can we take things slow tonight? There's a huge possibility you won't be here tomorrow and i want to savor every moment i can with you right now."

"Anything for you, baby." he said kissing you deeply. Sex with you and Malachai was always hot and steamy. The two of you loved experimenting with new things, and of course rough sex was your favorite, but sometimes the two of you wanted things to be extremely intimate - soft touches, gasps for breath, burning desire coursing through your bodies, feeling every inch of each others skin.

You ripped each others clothes off fast, not wanting to wait to feel your skin brush against his. You got lost in what he was making you feel as he got lost in how you made him feel. The two of you forgetting about the outside world and just being there in that moment with each other.

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