sex ban // sp

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You had just overheard a conversation where Sweet Pea was exposing all of your sexual secrets and you were livid. You had told Sweet Pea that you didn't care that people knew you had sex, but it was another to reveal secrets only the two of you were supposed to know. You never told the girls how big he was or what his favorite position was or anything that was meant to be kept between the two of you. But there sat Sweet Pea, in the lounge at school, blabbing about all of the things he's done to you. You were seething in the hallway when Veronica walked up.

"Hey, y/n." she greeted with a smile until she saw the literal steam shooting out of your ears, "uh oh, what'd he do?" she asked.

"He's in there spilling confidential information about our sex lives to anyone with ears." you hissed. You turned and walked to your locker with Veronica following close behind. Usually, you met Sweet Pea and the others in the lounge before class started to just hang out and relax before the school day, but today was not one of those days. You didn't want to be around Sweet Pea right now.

"I say you put him on a sex ban. If Reggie ever spilled, it's what i'd do." she suggested. Your eyes brightened and your anger subsided, "Veronica you're a genius." you smiled mischievously. The two of you walked back to the lounge where everyone was. You walked over and sat right on Sweet Pea's lap like you always did, him kissing your cheek and resting a hand on your thigh.

"Ah, y/n. Sweet Pea here was just telling us all of your dirty little secrets." Cheryl teased.

"Oh was he." you looked down at Sweet Pea who held a slightly nervous expression. You asked what Sweet Pea had told them, as if you didn't already over hear, "well, Sweet Pea won't be taking part in any of those things for quite a while." you said in the most calm voice you could muster up as you pushed Sweet Pea's hair away from his eyes.

"What do you mean, babe?" he asked furrowing his eyebrows. You ran your thumb in between his eyebrows, smoothing out the wrinkles. You smirked at him before leaning down and kissing his slightly pouted lips.

"You, my love, are on a sex ban. Starting right now." you mumbled against his lips, placing one more soft kiss on them before leaning back.

"You're joking right?" he asked.

"Not in the slightest, babe. Should've thought about the consequences before spilling such private information." you teased.

"Whatever, you'll be begging for me before i ever crack." he tried his best to play it off, but everyone knew you and they knew you wouldn't cave before Sweet Pea. this was going to be fun - not just for you, but for your friends as well as they all snickered.

"We'll see about that, Sweets." you got up from his lap and walked out as the bell rang, heading to class with Veronica who praised you for your punishment and begged for daily updates knowing how needy Sweet Pea can be.

Only a week had past and while Sweet Pea was mad that you put him on this sex ban, he hasn't tried anything. You haven't teased him either, just going on about your normal lives, but to make this punishment an actual punishment you had some tricks up your sleeve.

You were currently sat at Pop's, Sweet Pea next to you and Veronica and Reggie across from you. It was double date night and you decided now would be the perfect time. So, while the four of you talked while slowly sipping on your milkshakes, you placed your hand on Sweet Pea's thigh and leaned into him a little. This was a normal thing you did so Sweet Pea didn't think anything of it until you moved it a little higher and started brushing your your fingers in a circular motion on his inner thigh. He shot you a look, but continued his with what he was saying.

"So, how's punishment going, Sweet Pea?" Veronica asked catching onto what you were doing.

"Just dandy. But y/n here thinks she slick." he grabbed your hand form his thigh and placed it back in your lap while giving you an annoyed look making Veronica and Reggie chuckle.

"I always do that, you ass." you exclaimed with fake offence.

"Mmhmm." he sassed. You rolled your eyes, taking a sip of your milkshake and returning to the conversation.

After Pop's you and Sweet Pea went back to your house. Heading upstairs, the two of you decided to put on lounge clothes and watch movies for the rest of the night. Sweet Pea changed into sweats and a tshirt, throwing you the flannel he was wearing today. You always stole the flannel he would wear during the day to sleep in because it smelled like him. You took off your outfit from the day, leaving on your underwear and bralette before slipped the flannel on and buttoning it up about halfway.

"Can you not do that tonight? Put on some shorts and button it up all the way." Sweet Pea whined.

"I always sleep like this though." you said confused looking down at what you were wearing.

"Yeah and it's mad sexy so i need you to not sleep like that tonight." he said as he walked over and began buttoning up the rest of the buttons.

"Nope, i'm not making this ban easy on you." you pushed his hands away and unbuttoned the few buttons he did and walked over to bed, climbing in and getting comfortable. Sweet Pea stood in his spot looking at you begrudgingly as he watched you get into bed. You smiled at him, opening your arms for him to cuddle with you. He buried his head in your neck placing a tiny kiss there as he wrapped his arms around you. He moved his head back to look at you as he puckered his lips. You smiled and placed a kiss on his lips before unwrapping your arms from his neck and turning on your side, pressing your back against his front.

Another week had passed and Sweet Pea was becoming more and more needy as the days went on. You found it amusing but Sweet Pea didn't.

"Come on, babe. Just a quicky." he begged.

"No, Sweet Pea. That defeats the purpose of a sex ban." you told him. You rolled your eyes as he let out a childish whine.

'What about a blowjob?" he asked hopeful.


"A hand job?" he asked.

"No, Sweet Pea. if you're so needy then go to the bathroom and take care of yourself."

"But it feels better when you do it." he whined.

"Should've thought about that before you told everyone confidential information that only you were supposed to know."

"I'm sorry! Okay, i shouldn't have told them. Just please, do something. I'm literally begging you." he walked over to you with his puppy dog face in full effect and his hands finding their way to your waist.

"Aw baby." you said fake pouting and cupping his cheek with your hand, "you're still not getting any." you said poking his nose before turning and walking out of your room to go downstairs for some food. Sweet Pea followed behind you, still begging for you.

"For how much longer?" he huffed.

"Good question, i haven't figured that out yet."

"Well figure it out soon, i'm losing my mind." he said tossing his head back in annoyance.

"You'll be okay, Sweet Pea. You did this to yourself so quit whining." you sent him an amused smirk before returning to making food for the two of you.

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