a promise, but also a lie // bc

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Your family was close with the Lodge's. Your Mother choosing to do business with Hiram meant moving from New York to Riverdale. This decision came way after the Lodge's decided to move though. After Hiram was released from jail is when you moved.

Though your parents were intertwined in everything Hiram had planned, you wanted nothing more than to stay as far away from it as possible. Your father scared you so you never made any moves to try and stop him. You didn't want to end up like any of the other guys who didn't agree with his decisions or turned against him so you kept your mouth shut and kept to yourself. This put a damper on yours and Veronica's relationship unfortunately.

The two of you used to be absolutely inseparable. Now that she had a master plan to bring her father and every single one of his businesses down, you drifted apart. This allowed you to grow closer to Betty and you spent your time trying to help her figure out what the Farm was all about.

"They got to Kevin too and i don't know what to do, y/n." Betty cried to you.

"Listen, i have an idea but it's kind of risky." you said. Betty lifted her head from her hands and raised and eyebrow at you, "your mom hates me and that kind of gets in the way a lot, so what if i fake wanting to be apart of the farm. Become and insider and get the in-tell. Your mom won't know the difference. She'll be too happy that one of your friends wants to be part of the farm, but really i'm just giving you all of the boiling hot tea to spill all over town." you explained.

"Do you really think that's going to work?" she asked.

"I can play it up that i don't agree with anything my dad or Hiram are doing and the Farm is my only way out." you shrugged.

Betty agreed with slight hesitation, but agreed nonetheless and you went to her house the next day to talk to Alice about the Farm.

"Elizabeth, what have i told you about inviting over the Lodge love child?" Alice yelled when she opened the door.

"Actually, Alice. I'm here to speak with you. I have a few questions about the Farm and i was hoping you could help me." you started your little act right off the bat mentally crossing your fingers that this actually worked.

"What so you can run and tell Betty so she can continue to try and burn it to the ground?" she snapped.

"No, i actually was thinking about possibly joining the Farm. I don't want anything to do with what my Father is apart of and my mother is no help. I've tried just about every other option of getting away and to no success. I was hoping you could give me some information on the Farm. Maybe they can help me out." you gave her a hopeful look and fiddled with your fingers.

Alice stared at you in shock for a moment before coming back to reality and inviting you in. The two of you sat down on the couch, sipping tea and eating the snacks she made as she explained what the Farm could do for you.

"You know, i expected you to be more snoody like your mother. How'd she get mixed up with Hiram Lodge anyway?" Alice asked taking a sip of her tea.

"I don't really want to talk about all of that until i know my spot at the Farm is secure. My parents are very powerful and with Hiram's connections who knows what could happen to me."

"What's going on here?" Betty asked as she came downstairs.

"Oh, Bets. Your mom was just telling me about the Farm. i um thought i'd give it a shot as a last resort to get away from my parents." you explained, both of you playing dumb.

"Really, mom? Of all people you could try to coerce into your cult, you chose y/n?" Betty asked feigning annoyance and anger.

"Oh stop it, Betty. The Farm is not a cult. Y/n came to me anyway so if you're going to be mad at anyone it should be her. Maybe she can help me coerce you into finally joining with me and your sister. They could really help you." Alice rambled. Betty argued with Alice for a minute or two longer while you sat back awkwardly.

"This is ridiculous. If you're done talking crazy, i'll be in my room." Betty flipped her pony tail before storming upstairs.

"I'm gonna go talk to her. Explain why i came to you about the Farm. will you let me know what Mr. Evernever says?" you asked.

"Sure thing, dear. Goodluck with her." Alice said as she gathered up the dishes from the coffee table, taking them into the kitchen.

You scurried upstairs opening Betty's door and shutting it behind you, "she bought it. She's going to talk with Mr. Evernever and let me know what he says. This is out in, Bets." you quietly squealed.

"Just promise me you'll be careful and you won't let them suck you in." Betty said as her eyebrows furrowed in worry.

"I promise, Bets. Plus, i'll have you to keep me sane." you smiled pulling her into a hug. You kissed her cheek to get her to stop frowning and the two of you spent the night cuddling and watching movies until you headed home for the night.

The next day, Betty had text you telling you how much her mom said she loved you now that you wanted to join the Farm. She was pushing even more now that Betty join, but you knew that was never going to happen. Let operation take down the Farm commence.

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