pregnant // sp

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You woke up in Sweet Pea's bed, him missing from his side like always. Whenever you two hooked up and you fell asleep at his, you'd always wake up to find him gone. It was routine. You got up threw your clothes on from the night before and left without a trace as you usually do. You went to Toni's instead of going home because hers was closer. Borrowing some of her clothes the two of you decided to head to the Wyrm to hang out for a bit, not really knowing what else to do for the day.

When you walked in everyone but Sweet Pea greeted you. He gave you a look and continued playing pool with one of the older Serpents not bothering to acknowledge you further.

"Wow what's going on there?" You and Toni sat at the bar watching the boys play pool.

"We hooked up again last night," you admitted, "this is his usual behavior. He's an asshole to me afterwards but always comes crawling back for more when he wants to get his dick wet." Toni laughed at your statement.

"That doesn't bother you? Him using you as his personal sex toy?"

"Not really, because i use him just as much. We both get something out of it." you shrugged your shoulders taking a drink from the glass Hogeye sat in front of you and continued talking with Toni occasionally laughing at the boys argue over pool.


Weeks past and Sweet Pea hasn't even sent you so much as a text, which was weird for him. The most he's gone with the whole asshole game was a day or two. You brushed it off, not letting it get to you.

You sat in the lounge with Toni and Fangs watching Fangs do some crazy card trick when you suddenly felt uneasy. You put your hand over your stomach, "you okay, y/n?" Toni asked putting a hand on your shoulder. You shook your head, "i think i'm going to be sick." you covered your mouth and ran to the girl's restroom as fast as you could, bumping shoulders with Sweet Pea on the way. Toni got up and ran after you to make sure you were okay.

When you reached the restroom you slammed one of the stall doors open just in time to throw your guts up in the toilet.

"Dude, are you okay?" Toni crouched down beside you moving your hair out of your face and rubbing your back.

"I felt fine and then suddenly my stomach decided to reject everything i ate this morning. God that reeks." you made a face of pure disgust as you flushed the toilet.

This continued everyday. You felt amazing and then the urge to vomit hit you like a tidal wave. Toni and Fangs became concerned and Fangs asked her the dreaded question, "Do you think she's pregnant?" Toni's eyes got wide when the realization hit her. She stood up quickly and grabbed her bag rushing into the hallway to find you.

"y/n, i'm going to ask a question and you're going to be completely honest," she said when she found you at your locker. You gave her a look to continue, "is there any chance that you could be pregnant?"

"No that's ridicu-" you stopped your sentence short remembering about a month ago when Sweet Pea didn't have any condoms and you relied on him to pull out.

"Oh my god," you whispered meeting Toni's concerned gaze. You grabbed her hand and tugged her behind you and out of the school. You had to go to the store now to get a pregnancy test, "what about Sweet Pea?" Toni said from the driver seat of her truck.

"Fuck Sweet Pea right now. He's been ignoring me for weeks. I'm not telling him anything and neither are you until we find out for sure," you warned.


You were pacing your bedroom waiting for the timer to go off so you could check the four tests you've taken. Toni was nervous enough for the both of you, but you were more worried about what was going to happen when you told Sweet Pea. Was he going to continue to be an ass? Knowing Sweet Pea, probably. You jumped when you heard the timer on your phone buzz on your desk. You looked at Toni with fear in your eyes, "You check it. I can't look at it."

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