terrible liar // rm

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You opened the door for Reggie who came over after begging you to help him study for his finals. Both of you dressed in lounge clothes, but Reggie decided to add an accessory - sunglasses.

"You do know it's 8 o'clock and dark outside right, Reg?" you asked with a slight chuckle in your voice.

"Uh, well i-uh, I went to the eye doctor and got my um eyes dilated so any amount of light makes them ache." he stuttered.

"Mmhmm, you're a terrible liar, Reggie Mantle." you crossed your arms over your chest giving him an amused look but decided not to push it. If he wanted to tell you why he really was wearing sunglasses indoors at night time, then he would on his own time. You let out a soft giggle before turning around and heading to your room. Reggie followed quietly behind you with his bag over his shoulder.

"So what final are we studying for first?" you asked plopping down on the floor in front of your textbooks and notes you pulled out of you bag before Reggie got here.

"Let's start with English. I don't understand the book we're reading in class, or maybe i'm not reading into it as much as everyone else, but i'm lost." he handed you the novel they were reading and that the final would be based on. You started flipping through the pages as Reggie got comfortable on the floor in front of you, pulling out the rest of his notes for the class.

You spent the last hour or so trying to explain the underlying message of the novel to Reggie. Trying your best to not frustrate him too much because you understood it was a difficult concept, it even took you a few little while to understand it, but Reggie grew frustrated anyway. Taking off his sunglasses, he rubbed the palms of his hands over his eyes, wincing slightly before running his hands through his hair.

"Reggie, oh my god." you dropped the book to the ground, sitting up on your knees and moving closer to him to examine the bruise that surrounded his eye, "what happened?" you whispered.

"Um my dad got annoyed because i was asking too many questions. It's fine, really y/n."

"That's no excuse to punch your child in the face." you scoffed.

"Yeah well i asked the wrong questions. Betty coerced us to ask our parents about G&G and well, this was my dad's reaction." he said pointing to his eye.

"I love Betty but sometimes i wish she would just let things be and let the adults do their damn jobs. Did she or any of the other say anything?"

"Nope, none of them really batted an eye." his eyebrows furrowed realizing that his friends didn't seem to care that his dad hit him.

"You have shit friends, Reggie."

"They're your friends too, y/n." he said giving you a look.

"Not really. Sure we have class together, but i don't sit with any of them at lunch and i don't hang out in the lounge and i most definitely don't hang out with them outside of school. You're the only one i consider a friend out of that group, Reg." you both stared at each other for a second before you noticed the slight swelling of his bruise, "let me get you an ice pack to reduce the swelling." you stood up and headed to the kitchen to grab an ice pack out of the freezer. Turning around, you jumped letting out a small yelp when you saw Reggie standing behind you.

"Okay you could've told me you were there." you sighed clutching your chest. Reggie laughed at your reaction, taking the ice pack from you and placing it on his eye.

"Sorry, i thought you heard me follow you out here."

"So what're you going to do about your dad?" you asked, hopping up onto the counter while Reggie leaned against the island in front of you.

"Nothing. There's nothing i can do really." he answered.

"I could fight him for you." you suggested making a smile pull at Reggie's lips, "i mean, i'd most likely lose but it's the thought that counts, right?" Reggie let out a laugh as you shrugged your shoulders.

"You'd do that for me?" he asked.

"Of course, i'd do anything for the people i care about." you paused for a second, so did Reggie. You realized that you told him you cared about it, which shouldn't be such a shock because you guys are friends, but you have had this giant crush on Reggie for years and this is the first time you have ever said anything related to caring about him or liking him and you hoped that he would just take it at face level so you could remain calm.

"You care about me, huh?" he smirked at you.

"We're friends, Reggie. Of course i care about you."

"Uh huh but according to Archie Andrews it's in a more than a friends way." he said. Your eyes grew wide at his revelation.

"That shithead." you whispered to yourself, making a mental note to punch Archie the next time you saw him, "that was a year ago at a party. We were playing truth or dare and he asked me who i liked and i said you. So is that really credible information to go off of?" you said quickly trying not to make this awkward. You were almost positive Reggie did not like you back and you really didn't feel like being rejected.

"So if i kissed you right now you wouldn't feel anything?" he asked raising his eyebrows at you.

"No?" you said as more of a question than a statement. Reggie walked over to you, standing in between your legs as you sat on your counter top. You breath hitched in your throat not know what was happening or how to react.

"Uh Reggie? What're you doing?" you whispered moving your head back slightly to put a little bit of distance between you two.

"Testing a theory." he whispered back before putting his hand on the back of your neck and pulling your face to his, placing his lips on yours. You were shocked at first, not know what to do and not believing that Reggie Mantle had just kissed you but after a second you mentally said fuck it and kissed back. Letting your hands find their way to the tufts of hair at the nape of Reggie's neck, you melted into the kiss and his hand fell to your waist where he pulled you closer to his body.

When you pulled away you kept your eyes closed for a second to remember this moment perfectly until you heard Reggie chuckle.

"You can open your eyes now, y/n."

"I know but i don't want to because you're going to tell me you don't like me and then this moment will be ruined so let me bask for a second." you rambled making Reggie chuckle again. He placed one more short kiss on your lips before whispering that he liked you too.

"You do?" you asked as your eyes flew open.

"Yeah, why else would i have kissed you?"

"Uhhhhh i don't know is that playbook stll a thing?" you asked.

"I'm hurt you think i'd actually do that to you." he said placing his hand over his heart, his face giving you a fake look of offence, "no, the playbook is not a thing anymore and my name was only it because of Chuck. But after Archie told me you liked me i tried to figure out if it were still true and you telling me you cared about me and offering to fight my dad kinda gave me an idea, but the kiss was the real test." he explained.

"Okay well i'm still going to kick Archie's ass for telling you and the offer to fight your dad is still on the table."

"Alright, scrappy doo. Come finish explaining this damn book to me." he said kissing your cheek before moving so you could hop down off the counter. He offered you his hand, which you took and the two of you went back to your room.

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