out of the loop // sp

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After Toni and Cheryl got kicked out of the Serpents, neither of them talked to you. It hit you hard at first to lose the only girl friends you had in the group, but knew that maybe it was for the best.

You and Sweet Pea had grown closer because of this too. He saw how upset you were and how lonely you felt after they shunned you basically and swooped in to become your best friend and quite quickly, your boyfriend.

You walked into Pop's hand and hand with Sweet Pea, both of you dressed to the nines to match the theme of Veronica's party at the speakeasy. You were met by one of the Pretty Poisons, Toni's new gang. Sweet Pea gave her your names and the two of you went through. You past Toni, catching her eye as Sweet Pea lead you down the stairs, placing his hand on your waist to make sure you didn't fall in your heels. You saw her eyebrows furrow for a second before diverting your attention to walking down the stairs.

"Well that was awkward." you said when you were out of earshot from Toni. Sweet Pea gave you a confused look, "Toni and i caught eyes. She gave me a look when she saw you and i together." you explained.

"If she hadn't threw Fangs under the bus and shunned you, then maybe she would be in the loop." Sweet Pea had always been annoyed whenever the topic of Toni and Cheryl came up. He knew how much they hurt you and he also hated them for throwing Fangs under the bus. There was nothing that meant more to him than Fangs and now you of course. "Let's not let her ruin our night." He kissed your temple as you made your way over to the table Betty, Jughead and Fangs sat at.

The night was going smoothly. Everyone was having a grand time - karaoke, typical games played amongst high school kids, dancing. You and Sweet Pea were dancing as Veronica and Betty were singing on stage, both of you singing the words to each other, giant smiles on your faces. After the song was over, you walked over to the bar to get a glass of water. It was going great until you were dragged to a quiet corner by none other than Toni Topaz.

"So do you want to tell me what's going on with you and Sweet Pea or am i going to continue to be left out?" She demanded.

"First of all, cut the attitude. You shunned me after you got yourself kicked out of the Serpents. If anyone should be mad at the other, it's me. How was i supposed to tell you if you ignored my entire existence ever since you and Cheryl went rogue?" you gave her a look of disbelief as she stared at you with a hurt expression, "yes, Sweet Pea and i are together but that's all you need to know." you gave her one last glance before turning and walking away to find Sweet Pea.

"Where'd you go, baby?" he asked placing a hand on your waist.

"Toni dragged me away to ask about you and i." you waved it off like it was nothing so he wouldn't cause a scene by confronting her. He's been waiting to put her in her place ever, but you didn't want it to happen tonight and ruin the party. Sweet Pea noticed Toni standing where you left her, still looking hurt. He cupped your cheek giving you a smirk.

"Let's give her something to stare at, at least." he whispered before kissing you deeply.

Date: ..
FP/reader blurb where she's about 25 and has been saving herself for the right person and that happens to be FP! And he's super fluffy and sweet!

You had been seeing FP for some time now and you have never felt that someone is more right for you then you do about him. When you first got together, you were timid about telling him that you were a virgin and that you planned on saving it for that one person you knew you'd never regret giving yourself to. He was super understanding and sweet about the whole thing. He never pressured you into doing anything you didn't want to do and usually let you make the first move for anything intimate out of respect for you and your decision.

It was coming up on your one year and you felt that you were ready and you wanted that person to be FP. You tried to think of ways to tell him, to make the moment special, but you soon realized that it would be special no matter what so you decided on just initiating it and then telling him you were ready.

You went to a nice dinner with FP and when you went back to your place, your nerves got the best of you. You were looking at yourself in the mirror as you took our your earrings. Your nervousness was all over your face and FP could tell something was up. He walked up behind you, helping you take off your necklace.

"what's on your mind, dear?" he asked kissing the back of your neck.

"i'm just a little nervous." you admitted.

"for what?"

"to tell you that i'm ready and i want you to be the person who takes it." you whispered. FP smiled at your through the mirror before pulling you close and kissing your neck.

"are you absolutely sure?" he asked.

"i've never been so sure in my life, FP." those words were enough for him to spin you around and plant his lips on yours, your dress sliding off your body and pooling on the floor as he lead you to the bed. 

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