spin the bottle // vl

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You walked to your locker after your final class of the day putting away the books you didn't need and swapping them for the ones you did.

"y/n hey! What're you doing after school?" Veronica asked cheerfully leaning against the lockers next to you.

"Go home and study for this huge science test i have tomorrow." you answered, dread filled your voice.

"How about you and i grab some Pop's and then i can come over and help you study." she suggested hopefully. Veronica had liked you since she came to Riverdale, but for the longest time she couldn't gage you. Never really knowing if you swung that way or not so she kept her distance. She found distraction from her burning crush for you when she dated Archie but that didn't work out. He noticed how she looked at you and how her face would light up whenever you came into a room. Something that never happened when they were together so he broke things off and has been trying to help Veronica get with you the whole time. He just wanted her to be happy and if that wasn't with him then that was okay.

"Yeah that would be great, Ronnie. Can we walk though? I kind of want to clear my head with some fresh air before we cram a bunch of science nonsense in there."

"Of course!" she said linking your arms together and leading you out of the school.

"So tell me, any hotties caught your eye lately. I know things with you and Archie have been over for awhile. You ready to get back in the game yet?" you asked her as you walked down the sidewalk.

"Well there is someone, but i don't know if they feel the same or not. They're pretty confusing but i won't give up." Ronnie said.

"They'll come around. You're an amazing girl, V. Anyone is stupid to turn you down." you assured. Little did you know she was talking about you the entire time. You and Veronica made small talk as you walked to Pop's together.

You grabbed a booth in the back while Veronica put a song on the jukebox. Your favorite song played through Pop's making you smile at Veronica as she walked back to the booth.

"It's been stuck in my head every since you showed me the other day so i had to play it while we waited." She admitted. You ordered your food and since it was slow, Pop had it out quick. Once you and V finished your food you headed out and to your house, finally ready to crack open the books and get studying.


You lay on your bed on your stomach looking over your notes that you took as the teacher went over the study guide in class today. Veronica sat at your desk chewing on the end of a pen watching as you focus on the material in front of you. You and Veronica had been going back and forth for hours, she'd ask you a question and you'd give her an answer. You had answered every question wrong for the second time and were going over everything before you made Ronnie ask you the questions again. You pushed the papers away from you and huffed in annoyance, "i can't look at this anymore. We've been going at this for hours. I'm just going to accept the fact that i'm going to fail and i'm never going to get into a good college." Veronica laughed at your dramatic rant.

"Alright, let's take a much deserved break." she said getting up from your desk chair and walking over to sit on the bed next to you.

"What do you say, we put on a movie and i braid your hair. I know you find it relaxing when someone plays with your hair." She bribed.

"That sounds amazing!" you said grabbing your remote and turning on your tv to find something on netflix. You moved to sit on the bench that was at the foot of your bed so that Veronica didn't have to be in an awkward position to braid your hair.

"Do you want to stay the night? It's getting kind of late and i don't want to make you walk all the way to the Penbrook at this hour." you suggested.

"Yeah that would be nice. Can i borrow some clothes?" she asked. You nodded and got up walking over to your dresser to pull out some shorts and a shirt for her to sleep in handing them to her so she could change. You climbed into bed, Veronica climbing in next to you when she finished changing.

"Thank you for coming over and helping me study even though i'm a lost cause." you mumbled sleep hitting you like a tidal wave, "you're a great friend, V." you yawned.

"Yeah, friend." she repeated disappointingly. Looking over at you as you slept peacefully next to her as she wished that the two of you were more than just friends.


"I don't know what to do, Archie. It's like every time i want to tell her, i chicken out. And that's not like me at all. I'm confident but she makes me feel things i've never felt before. She called me a great friend last night. I laid in her bed next to her while she saw me as nothing but a friend and i was dreaming of more." Veronica ranted to Archie who stood in the corner of the living room at one of Cheryl's parties that weekend.

"Look why don't you just go find her and tell her how you feel, Ronnie. You're never going to know how she feels about you if you don't tell her how you feel about her." he stated. Veronica knew he was right but Veronica has never been rejected before, she had always been the one rejected people and now that the tables could possibly turn on her, was terrifying.

"Spin the bottle is starting. Everyone sit down." Cheryl demanded. Veronica walked over and took a seat next to Betty and across from you. You smiled at her when your eyes connected making Veronica smiled just as widely.

"Alright, Veronica. You first." Cheryl said handing the bottle to Veronica who sat it on the middle of the circle giving it a good spin before sitting back on her heels. Everyone watched in anticipation as the bottle slowly stopped spinning and landed pointing directly at you. You looked up at Veronica who's cheeks were slightly flushed realizing that she would get to kiss you. You crawled to the middle of the circle, meeting Veronica halfway. She cupped your cheek with her hand the other leaning on the floor to balance her. The kiss was magical. Sparks flew when your lips connected and you have never felt such a thing before. When you pulled away you kept your eyes closed for a second wanting to take in this moment in case it wasn't real. When you opened your eyes you saw Veronica's big chocolate orbs staring back at you.

"I've been wanting to do that since the day i moved to Riverdale." She admitted softly making a small smile pull at your lips. "I had no idea, but i'm glad you finally did." You couldn't help yourself as you pulled her in for another kiss. This wasn't what Archie had in mind when he told Veronica to tell you how she felt but it all worked out in the end.

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