dance for you // sp

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Every night you made up a new excuse as to why you couldn't hang out at the Wyrm. and every night Sweet Pea grew more and more suspicious. He knew you were lying after the first week of you saying you couldn't because of homework or you parents wanting you home for dinner. He would call your bluff some days, but you left without answering his questions. One day he was talking to Toni and she mentioned you and how you probably have been one of the only ones who delivered a Serpent dance worthy watching.

"Why do you say that?" he asked Toni.

"Well you were there, it was the hottest dance i've seen and not once did she falter or show any ounce of nervousness. She owned that stage. No wonder she makes so much at the club. I'd throw my money at her too." Sweet Pea's head snapped up at Toni's words.

"What club?" He grumbled.

"The club she works at in Greendale. She's a stripper. Did you not know?" Toni asked confusion all over her face.

"No i didn't, but that explains why she blows be off every night and also why you're the only one who never gave her any grief about not hanging out here at night or skipping out early. What's the name of this club?" Sweet Pea asked. Toni told him and Sweet Pea downed the rest of his drink.

"I probably wasn't supposed to tell you, but now you know. Just don't go there and be a dick. It's just her and her sister. She had to make ends meet somehow." Toni said as she cleaned some glasses behind the bar. Sweet Pea stood up and headed out of the bar, digging his keys out of his pocket and hopping on his bike heading straight for Greendale.

Once he arrived he parked and took in the front of the building. It looked like a decent place. Even though you could handle your own, he didn't want you working in a shit place where they didn't stop creepy men from copping a feel. He walked in nodding to the bouncer as he did heading straight for the bar. Taking a seat in the back he scanned the club for you. Finding you on stage, dead center, wearing nothing but a skimpy black bra and pantie set with black heels accentuating those long legs that drew Sweet Pea wild when you worse shorts. He overheard the guy next to him tell the guy behind the bar that he wanted a private dance with you, making him angry. He slammed his fist on the bar looking the man dead in the eye, "i don't think so, pal. You see, that's my girl. And i won't hesitate to skin anyone alive who even thinks about going in that room with her. Do you understand?" you weren't his girl, but this man didn't know that.

Sweet Pea chuckled noticing the guy shaking in his seat before turning to the bartender, "i want every time slot for private dances with y/n. I don't care if they're already paid for. No one but me is getting into that room with her, got it?" the bartender didn't hesitate to nod before he walked over to whoever was in charge of the private dances and let them know. When he came back he told Sweet Pea where to go. Sweet Pea gave the man a nod as a thank you before throwing some bills on the bar as a tip and made his way behind the stage and to the room where he'd wait for you.

Your boss walked up to you grabbing your elbow lightly to stop you from going back out on stage, "a man just bought out your time for a private dance. He's waiting for you." she informed. You furrowed your eyebrows, " did they say who it was? Did they leave a name?" you asked. She shook her head no.

"All they told me was that he was the hottest man that's walked in here. Scared the man that sat next to him at the bar senseless and told the bartender he'd skin any man alive that went into that room with you."

"Sweet Pea." you whispered to yourself.

"Good luck, sweetie. And be careful." She gave you a warm smile before turning to make sure the other girls were ready. You grabbed your silk robe, putting it on and tying the ties loosely around your waist before looking yourself over in the mirror, giving your hair one last fluff before making your way to the private room Sweet Pea waited in.

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