party crashers // the gang

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You walked into the Wyrm being greeted happily by all the Serpents. Spotting your best friends and boyfriend sitting around a table, you skipped over to them.

"Hello, handsome." you said wrapping your arms around your boyfriend's neck from behind and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, princess. What's up?" he asked turning around and patting his lap for you to take a seat. You greeted the others with a bright smile and wave as you took a seat.

"So i was thinking about throwing a party this weekend. Okay, maybe not a party, but a small kickback with the whole gang." you pitched your idea to the group.

"Count Betty and I in!" Jughead spoke.

"Yeah, i'm in. i'll give Cheryl a call and see what she's doing." Toni said smiling excitedly at you.

"You know i'm down for anything that involves booze." Fangs said making you laugh.

"Great!! I'll text the group chat with details later. Like i said, nothing crazy. Just the gang. Kev is already down because i spoke to him on my way here. I'm going to call Veronica and see if her and Archie want to come too, so you need to be nice Mr." you said tapping Sweet Pea on the nose.

"You know i wouldn't start anything at your house, baby." he said kissing your jaw.

"Good because you know i hate the drama. Give me a ride home?" you asked pushing the hair back away from his forehead. He nodded and patted your thigh for you to stand up.

"I'll see you guys at school." you and Sweet Pea waved by to the group before heading out to his bike.

The week flew by and it was Saturday. You were in your back yard with Toni and Cheryl getting everything set up for the little get together you were throwing. Sweet Pea and Fangs went to get firewood for the fire pit and Jughead and Betty went to the store to get stuff to make s'mores.

"So, who else is coming to this shindig?" Cheryl asked helping you string the lights over the gazebo so you wouldn't be sitting in complete darkness.

"Kev is coming for sure, Veronica and Archie are coming and they're bringing the alcohol so they should be here soon. You two, Fangs and Sweet Pea. and that's it. I didn't invite anyone else really because i wanted this to be lowkey. We haven't hung out as a group in a long time. I just want everyone to get along y'know. I'm a northsider dating a southsider, who is also best friends with quiet a few southsiders and i feel it's my duty to play mediator." you explained, "everyone's welcome to stay the night too. I don't want any of you drinking and driving so i set the guest rooms up for you guys. Someone can take my room and Sweet Pea and i will take my parents room since they're gone until tuesday."

"This is going to be so much fun!! You're doing an amazing job at keeping everyone together. Even Sweet Pea and Archie are starting to become cool with each other, shockingly enough." Toni clapped her hands together in excitement. Fangs and Sweet Pea walked out with the firewood in their hands, dropping it down by the fire pit. Sweet Pea coming over to kiss your forehead.

"Yeah, Andrews isn't so bad when he's not waving a gun in my face." Sweet Pea joked.

"That's not funny, Sweets." you pouted.

"Sorry, babe." he smiled down at you.

Soon everyone started arriving. Archie and Veronica being the last ones as they made a pit stop for some alcohol. Music played softly in the background as all of you sat around the fire pit joking and talking. Conversation stopped when you heard car doors shutting.

"Are your parents back from Greendale?" Veronica asked with a puzzled look.

"Nope, they left this morning and shouldn't be back until Wednesday. Unless they forgot something. Either way, they don't care. This was kind of their idea anyway." you shrugged, "i'll go see." you got up from Sweet Pea's lap and walked in the house, heading to the front door as someone started knocking on it and ringing your doorbell obnoxiously.

"y/n!! Thought you could throw a party and not invite the bulldogs." Reggie said clicking his tongue against his teeth disappointingly, "that's not how things work around here."

"That's exactly how things work around here considering there is no party." Sweet Pea said from behind you, putting his hand above your head on the door frame so Reggie and his goons wouldn't try to squeeze in, "so why don't you and your mutts get lost, yeah?" you reached your hand behind you to grab Sweet Pea's other hand so he wouldn't get too worked up.

"Seriously Reggie, it's couples night. No party here." you added. Reggie nodded his head, but you didn't miss the cocky smirk on his face as you shut the door. You and Sweet Pea walked out back to find Reggie and his goons already back there turning the music louder. The look of annoyance on the groups face as they looked at you.

"Reggie, seriously. This isn't a party and it's most definitely not turning into one. Get out of here before i let Sweet Pea take care of the situation." you threatened.

"Reggie, you weren't invited for a reason. How'd you even find out we were all here?" Archie stood up from his seat and walked over to Reggie, crossing his arms.

"Saw you and Ronnie at the liquor store and assumed someone was having a party. Then i heard the two of you talking about how late you were to y/n's house. Can't have a party without bulldog's, Arch." you were growing annoyed and angry with Reggie's attitude and the entitlement he felt to sneak into your backyard over a party that wasn't even happening.

"Sweet Pea, please. Get rid of him." you said turning to look at your boyfriend. He put his hand on the back of your neck, pulling you towards him and kissing your forehead. He could tell you were beyond frustrated.

"I'll make it quick, baby." he whispered. He walked away, clapping his hand down on Fangs shoulder, both of them walking up to Reggie who stood talking to Archie still.

"Alright, Mantle. You're upsetting my girl and you know how i get when someone upsets my girl. You have two options; gather your goons and leave now without any fuss or gather your goons and leave with a couple black eyes and bloody noses. Your choice." you could hear the smirk on your boyfriends face even though his back was facing you. Archie stood on one side of him as Fangs stood on the other.

"Sicking your boyfriend on me now, y/n? Thought we were friends?" Reggie said looking over Sweet Pea's shoulder.

"We were friends, Reggie. Until you decided your hatred for the southside was more important and started being a dick to everyone around you, including your northside friends. Haven't you noticed that none of us hang out with you anymore?" you said gesturing to Betty, Cheryl, Veronica and Archie who all agreed that Reggie was taking the northside/southside feud way too far and didn't like being around him anymore. Reggie looked at everyone who was giving him annoyed looks causing him to huff in annoyance himself.

"Fine, we'll leave. Don't think this is over though, Sweet Pea. i don't take threats lightly." Reggie snarled. He gathered his boys and they left, leaving you and the group to let out sighs of relief.

"I was kind of hoping i'd get to punch him in the face one time, but i guess i'm kind of happy he left without causing a scene. I know your parent's are cool as hell, y/n but i'm positive we wouldn't be allowed back if they knew we started a fight." Fangs said sitting down beside you. Your parents never bought into the northside/southside feud. Your dad and FP were actually best friends growing up, which is why you were allowed in the southside so much, because your dad knew FP wouldn't let anything happen to you. You and Jughead were inseparable as kids. Your dad's having play dates every other weekend for the two of you, but in reality it was just an excuse to see each other.

"I don't think they would've minded, but thank you." you smiled at him. The get together went back to normal. All of you sitting around the fire, roasting marshmallows and just enjoying each others company. Joking and having marshmallow fights as you threw them across the fire at each other, stopping only when Archie got hit in the eye by one.

"We should try to do this every weekend. Just chill and hang out with each other. Maybe we can end the feud once and for all with everyone. Not just our small friend group." Kev spoke up. The gang all nodded and agreed smiling warmly at each other.

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