the enemy's sister // rm

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"This hell hole got shut down. We're all being transferred to new schools." Fangs informed you, Toni and Jughead as you sat on the stairs.

"Well where are you guys going?" Jughead asked.

"Same as you three. Riverdale High. Think of all the Northside heads to knock." Sweet Pea said excitedly as him and Fangs pretended to fight. You began to panic a little on the inside. Unlike your brother, you weren't a Serpent. You decided to keep out of all of that. Sure, you hung out with them (mostly Toni and Fangs) but that was only because of your brother. You could easily disguise yourself as a non-southsider, which you did quite often. That's how you met your boyfriend, Reggie Mantle. Granted, if he had known you were a southsider he'd break up with you before you got the words out and Sweet Pea would kill him for just being a Northsider and also for going after his sister.

"Aren't you excited, little sis? That means better curriculum for your nerdy self." Sweet Pea nudged you as he sat down on the step next to you.

"Yeah, i am a little excited but what does this mean for the Southside as a whole? If they're shutting down schools, it's only a matter of time before they start shutting down everything else, and the Southside, in turn, will cease to exist." you ranted.

"It won't get that far, y/n. Promise." Jughead patted your shoulder reassuringly.

"Promise me you won't get into fights there, Pea." you hated all of the violence but you also knew how hot headed your brother was. You also knew that he'd pick a fight with Reggie any chance he could and that's the last thing you wanted.

"I'm not making any promises. You know how the Northsiders are. I'm pummeling every single one of them starting with Andrews and that bulldog of his." he said angrily. You gave him a pointed look, not so amused by his statement.

"Fine, i won't get into the fight during week one, but after that, their heads are mine."

"Welcome!" Veronica's cheery voice said as you and the rest of the Serpents walked up to the table, "i've set up a table with a list of extracurriculars and your class schedules to make the transition easy for you guys." she explained as she pointed to each of the neatly stacked packets. You spotted Cheryl and Reggie walking down the stairs.

"Stand down, Eva Peron." Cheryl said. You scooted behind Sweet Pea to avoid catching Reggie's glance, zoning out completely until Sweet Pea went to charge at Reggie.

"Sweet Pea, you promised me no fights for the first week." you yelled as you grabbed a hold of his arm trying your hardest to pull him back. Reggie gave you a confused look that quickly turned to one of anger. You gave him a sympathetic look and mouthing that you'd explain later as you pushed Sweet Pea to follow the rest of the group as they headed to class.

- Meet me in the lounge. Now. - Reggie's text read. You were nervous to say the least. You knew this conversation wasn't going to go nicely.

"Excuse me, Miss. Peppercorn," you said as you walked up to her desk. The class was currently working alone on the reading and note taking she had assigned, "could i use the ladies room?" you asked. She nodded handing you the pass. You briskly walked out of the room and to the lounge hoping you didn't get lost. You had only been here a day so you didn't know your way around the school confidently just yet.

"Ah-ha." you said when you found the lounge, "Reg?" you said as you walked in.

"Shut the door." he said. You closed the door behind you before walking over to sit next to him on the couch.

"You're mad." you whispered looking at him as he sat staring straight forward with a hard glare set on his face.

"I'm raging. You're a southsider! And to make matters worse, you're that fucker's sister!" he yelled jumping up from the couch. You flinched as he yelled. You didn't get a chance to respond. Both of you jumped when you heard the door to the lounge fly open and slam against the wall behind it.

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