oblivious // sp

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It was a friday night and everyone had gathered at the Wyrm for drinks and to hang out. Toni and Cheryl were talking at the bar, Fangs was playing pool with Jughead while Betty and Veronica sat at a table close by. Archie was messing around with the karaoke machine, trying to get it to work. All of you were pretty tipsy at this point but you and Sweet Pea were drunk as ever. Both of you needed a good night out to relax and not worry about anything else. You both let out a loud holler when Archie finally got the machine working, the two of you rushing over to sing the first song. Everyone yelled as the familiar guitar riff for dance dance by fallout boy started playing.

The two of you sang loudly and out of tune to the song not giving a damn because of how drunk you were. Sweet Pea strutted over to the pole that was on the stage, and did a twirl around it making everyone laugh. He wiggled his finger at you gesturing for you to come over to him and you laughed as you walked over to him. He took your hand in his and gave you a spin before pulling you to his chest and starting to waltz not in time with the music at all.

"I'm waiting for the day that they both realize they're perfect for each other," Toni said as she and Cheryl walked over to the table Betty and Veronica sat at.

"They're completely oblivious to how the other feels. It's kind of romantic though. Both of them scared to lose the other so they bottle their feelings even though they're hopelessly in love with each other. Shakespeare couldn't have wrote it better," Jughead joked. They watched as the two of you danced around and sang loudly with each other hoping that one day you'd finally realize the love between the two of you and finally get together. You joined them when the song ended, "what are we talking about guys?" you asked sitting next to Betty and laying your head on her shoulder to stop the room from spinning.

"I'm only saying this because you won't remember it in the morning, but you and Sweet Pea love each other and you need to get over your fear of him not feeling the same." She brought her hand up to move the hair that fell in your face behind your ear.

"I think it's time we get these two home, yeah?" Fangs said trying to keep a very drunk Sweet Pea from face planting into the ground.

"I say we meddle a little. Take them both back to Sweet Pea's trailer so they are forced to talk about it in the morning." Everyone looked at each other agreeing completely with Cheryl, "That's the best idea you've had all day, Red." Fangs said.


The next morning you woke up groaning from the killer headache you had. You were definitely hung over. You went to sit up but a weight was holding you down. You rubbed your eyes before looking down to find Sweet Pea with his head on your chest and arm thrown across your waist. You brought your hand down to brush some hair out of his face before saying his name trying to wake him up. When he didn't move you slightly smacked his cheek, "Sweet Pea get up," You said louder. He groaned out a shut up before nuzzling his head in the crook of your neck and tightening his grip around your waist. When he realized he wasn't alone in his bed he sat up quickly.

"What are you doing here, y/n?"

"I was wondering the same thing. Do you remember anything from last night?" Sweet Pea shook his head.

"You don't think we-" He stopped and raised his eyebrows at you.

"No because we're both still in our clothes from last night, you idiot." You motioned to the clothes he was wearing. You reached over to grab your phone off the nightstand seeing texts from the girls all something along the lines of you needing to tell Sweet Pea how you feel. That's when you realized that they were behind this whole thing. You shook your head, rolling your eyes at your friends and their tendency to medal.

"What? Why're you rolling your eyes?" Sweet Pea stood up from the bed walking over to his dresser to pull out some sweats and a shirt, throwing you a pair of leggings you left here one night when you stayed after being kicked out of your house and one of his flannels to change into. You had spent the night before, but being the gentleman he was, he let you have his bed while he took the couch.

"Nothing. But i do know how we ended up here last night. You can thank our lovely friends for waking up beside me this morning." you said shimming your jeans off and replacing them with the leggings.

"You say that like it's a bad thing."

"What do you mean?" You turned your back to him so you could take your shirt off.

"Waking up next to you wasn't the worst thing that could've happened last night." he watched you as you slid your arms into the sleeves of his flannel.

"And what would've been the worst thing to happen last night?" You quizzed.

"Us sleeping together."

"You think us sleeping together would've been worse?" You furrowed your eyebrows, slightly offended by his comment.

"No, i meant like if neither of us remembered it. That would be worse than just waking up next to you." he ran a hand through his messy hair trying to word it correctly this time not to offend you.

"Are you saying you want to sleep with me, Sweet Pea?" he froze in his spot at the end of the bed.

"Fuck it." he mumbled walking over to you, grabbing your face in his hands and kissing you deeply. "I want way more than just to sleep with you, y/n. I want everything with you," he said when he pulled away from the kiss. "I've been too scared that you'd say no or stop being friends with me if i ever told you so i kept it to myself, of course our friends caught on. Hence the reason why we woke up here, but i can't hide my feelings anymore, y/n. So tell me now if you don't feel the same and i'll let you go. I'll act like this conversation didn't happen and we'll go back to being best friends." He searched your eyes for any sign that you didn't want him the way he wanted you.

"It's always been you, Sweets," You whispered leaning your head back and standing on your tip-toes to connect your lips again.

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