protective girlfriend // rm

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"Hey, Reg." you said walking up to your boyfriend at his locker, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Hey, baby." he mumbled.

"I get that you're mr. popular and the captain of the football team, but please don't be that guy who wears sunglasses inside." you joked reaching to take the sunglasses off his face. Reggie flinched away from you making the smile drop off your lips.

"Reggie. What's going on?" you asked. He shook his head still avoiding your gaze. You shut his locker door and squeezed in between him and the lockers, grabbing his face and making him look at you. When you felt like he wouldn't fight you, you grabbed the arms of the sunglasses and pulled them away from his face, revealing a fresh black eye.

"Oh my goodness, who did that to you?" you gasped.

"I asked my old man about G&G and this is the response i got."

"Reggie, that is not okay. You need to tell someone. The police preferably. He took things too far this time. The constant arguing and yelling is one thing, but him putting his hands on you. Babe, that's not okay." you ranted.

"You want me to call the cops on my own father?" he spat angrily.

"Reggie. He hit you. That's abuse. And don't get my started on the verbal and mental abuse you constantly put up with. What does your mother have to say about this?" you never liked Reggie's father. Even when you first met him, he gave you creepy vibes. Always came off mean and like nothing was ever good enough for him. Reggie's mother, on the other hand, is like your second mom. You know that she's been trying to find an easy out for her and Reggie, but Mr. Mantle is one angry man and there's no telling what he'd do if she dropped divorce papers on him.

"She's upset but you know she won't say anything."

"That's because she's scared of that man. Reggie, please. You can't just let him to this to you." you pleaded.

"Leave it alone, y/n. None of my other friends care. Not one of them said a word when i told them. Why can't you just leave shit be." he growled.

"Well apparently, unlike your friends, i actually give a shit about you, Reginald."

"Stay out of this." he said harshly before storming off down the hallway. You let out a deep sigh before stutting angrily into the blue and gold room.

"Are you guys so far up your own asses that you genuinely don't care that Reggie's dad hit him?" you yelled. None of them said anything as their heads snapped in your direction, "Reggie told you guys flat out that his father punched him in the face for asking a simple question about G&G and not one of you said a goddamn word. Brushed it off like it was nothing. Some friends you are, huh?" you spat.

"What are we supposed to do about it, y/n?" Josie asked.

"Are you fucking kidding me, McCoy? What are we supposed to do? You'll help bust Archie out of juvie because Veronica, who you've known for not even a year, asked you to. But your friend, who you've known since elementary school tells you that his father hit him and none of you even flinch." you were beyond angry at his friends, his father, Reggie. All of your anger was spewing out at once, "God, Kevin your dad is the sheriff. You of all people should've said or done something."

"It's really none of our business, y/n." Kevin said.

"Reggie made it your business when he told you what happened. But if Veronica or Archie said one of their parents hit them, there'd be another riot night. You all are so unbelievable. Reggie doesn't deserve this just like Archie doesn't deserve to be in juvie. That is something none of you can do anything about, but here you are, planning some crazy escape that's going to get every single one of you thrown in juvie and more time added to Archie's sentence."

"You're right, y/n. We're sorry. We should've said or done something." Betty said as her eyes welled up with tears.

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to. Reggie thinks none of you actually care about him, but he cares about all of you. You better figure this shit out, cause i'm not the only one who's tired of the double standards in this group and i;m done catering to whatever bonnie and clyde need." with that, you turned and stormed out of the school hoping to find Reggie. As you walked down the hall towards his class you got an even better idea. Making a quick turn down the hallway you headed straight for the exit and to your car. The people who would be willing to help and the ones who don't mind getting their hands dirty aren't going to be found huddled together in a classroom.

You parked your car outside of Reggie's house watching as Mr. Mantle was taken out of the house in handcuffs. Mrs. Mantle following behind, stopping on the porch not the slightest bit upset about what was happening. You had made a stop at the Sheriff's station and talked to Sheriff Minetta about what happened to Reggie to see what you could do. He sent an officer over to talk to Mrs. Mantle as Mr. Mantle was supposed to be at work, but turns out, he wasn't. When the officer got there he heard yelling coming from the house and immediately went into action. Mrs. Mantle had bruises forming on her arm and a bright red hand print on her face, which in turn, earned Mr. Mantle some jail time.

"y/n. What are you doing here?" Reggie asked as he got out of his car. You hadn't realized he pulled up, too engrossed in what was happening in front of you.

"I went and talked to Sheriff Minetta to see what i could do to help you. I didn't know this was going to happen." you said hoping he wasn't going to be mad at you. Surprised when he pulled you in for a tight hug, you let out a sigh of relief knowing that he wasn't upset with you.

"Thank you, y/n." he whispered into your hair.

"You're welcome." you whispered back, "You're not mad at me?" you asked looking up at him.

"I was at first because i was afraid it would only make things worse, but i honestly don't know what i'd do without someone like you in my life." he leaned down and placed a grateful kiss on your lips, "and everyone in the group has been blowing up my phone asking what happened and if i was okay and apologizing for not doing anything sooner. I'm assuming that was your doing as well." he pulled out his phone showing all of the unread messages and missed phone calls.

"Yeah i may have laid into them before i went and talked to Minetta."

"Who knew you were such a protective girlfriend." he joked pulling you in for another kiss.

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