not a forever things - pt.2

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"i fell out of love with you."

You had broken down, which was the first time you had cried over Sweet Pea since that night you went to Toni's trailer. You immediately called Fangs, who had been your rock through this whole thing, when Sweet Pea left your trailer. You couldn't form full sentences, your sobs being too powerful. Fangs didn't waste a second, turning around and booking it back to your trailer. That sentence ran through you like a freight train, hurting you more than you expected. You knew he didn't love you anymore, but part of you was hoping you were wrong. When Fangs arrived, he found you on your living room floor where you had just been playing uno, sobbing into your hands. He rushed over sitting down next to you with his back leaning against the couch and pulled you into his lap, wrapping his arms around you tightly as you clung to him.

"I got you, y/n. It's okay. I'm here." he stroked your hair as you sobbed into his chest. His heart broke hearing your cries as he kissed your forehead and continued to hold you as tight as he possibly could. After a few minutes of Fangs' quiet voice soothing you, you had finally calmed down enough to talk.

"I thought hearing him say it out loud would make it easier for me to finally move on, but it just brought every bit of hurt back." you pulled your face away from Fangs' chest to wipe your wet cheeks, but Fangs beat you to it, cupping your face in both hands and using his thumbs to brush away the tears from under your eyes.

"It won't hurt forever. You were doing amazing, but you said it yourself; you needed to hear him say it. He's happy and you deserve to be too." Fangs kissed your forehead, pulling you back into his chest for a tight hug making you wrap your arms around his waist.

"Will you stay with me tonight?" your face was buried in the crook of his neck so you weren't sure if her heard your quiet voice as or not.

"I'll stay however many nights you need me to." you pulled away from him to stand up, taking his hand in yours once he stood up too and leading him to your bedroom. You handed him some of the clothes he had left from the previous night when him and Toni stayed with you so he could change. You crawled into bed as you were already in pjs from before Fangs came over earlier, and waited for him. When he came back he climbed in next to you and opened his arms so you could lay on his chest. He pulled the blanket of the both of you once you were settled in and turned your bedside lamp off allowing darkness to take over the room. Fangs brushed his fingertips along your arm until you fell asleep.

a few months later

You walked through the hallways in search of Fangs. As you turned down the hallway that the student lounge was in, you spotted Sweet Pea and his girlfriend, Mila. He was leaning against the lockers beside hers, smiling as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and kissed her cheek. Surprisingly, you didn't feel the urge to burst into tears. You smiled at how happy he seemed and when his head moved away and caught your eyes, you sent him a small wave before walking into the lounge.

"Fangs!" you exclaimed, finally finding him sitting on the couch eating twizzlers.

"Hello, sweet cheeks. What's up?" he asked as you plopped down next to him grabbing a twizzler out of the pack he was holding.

"Wanna hang out at the Wyrm tonight?" you asked taking a bite.

"Of course, but only if we get Pop's on the way."

"Sure thing." you said smiling at him. You sat in the lounge for the rest of your free period talking with everyone. Fangs' arm draped over your shoulders on the back of the couch, you cuddled into his side when you got a little chilly. Veronica nudged Betty and nodded over to you and Fangs who had started your own conversation, both of them smiling at you two.

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