scared // rm

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Reggie came over for your annual Saturday movie night. Ever since the two of you got together, you much rather spend time alone with each other lounging around the house than out partying or on some spectacular date. You just wanted to be together. The fourth scary movie of the night had ended and you reached for your phone to check the time. 3am.

"Perfect." you thought to yourself. You hated scary movies with a passion, but Reggie insisted on watching them because it was Halloween.

"It's pretty late. I should get going." Reggie said. You lifted your head from his chest to look at him.

"I'll walk you out." you said kissing his jawline before standing up off the couch and reaching out your hand to help him up.

"Be careful please. Text me when you're home." You said anxiously into his chest as he pulled you in for a tight hug.

"Of course, beautiful. I live two minute from you. I'll be fine." he kissed the top of your head before letting you go and walking to his car. You waved as he backed out of the driveway, waiting for his taillights to disappear down the road before shutting the door and locking it. You picked up the cups and leftover popcorn, taking them into the kitchen. Your phone dinged from the living room. You rushed over to make sure it was an i'm home text from Reggie and not an i'm dead text. Smiling at your screen as you opened the message from Reggie - i made it home without dying. See you tomorrow for breakfast, beautiful. Sweet dreams. You typed out a quick response back before hitting send when you heard a something coming from the kitchen making you jump and drop your phone.

"It's just your mind playing tricks on you, y/n. No one is here but you." you said to yourself. You reached down and picked up your phone cautiously walking into the kitchen to see what the noise was. You let out a deep breath when you saw that the cup you put in the sink had fallen over, which caused the noise you heard from the living room.

"Everything good, babe?" a voice came from your phone making you squeal a little. You looked at the screen seeing Reggie's face.

"Uh yeah, sorry. I was texting you back while walking into the kitchen and i tripped and dropped my phone. I must've hit the facetime button by accident." you rambled.

"Yeah? You sure about that?" he asked.

"Positive." you responded.

"So you're not paranoid after being made to watch four scary movies in one night on Halloween?" he raised one eyebrow at you.

"Okay, i'm scared. I thought i heard a bang from the kitchen but it was just a cup falling over in the sink, but now i don't want to go upstairs by myself. This is all your fault Reggie Mantle." you sighed.

"On my way, lovely."

"No! Don't hang up." he had already ended the facetime call before you finished your sentence. You sighed again, looking around the kitchen.

"Okay, you're fine. No one is here but you, the noises you keep hearing are all made up because you're paranoid. Reggie lives two minutes away so you can wait in the living room for him." you gave yourself a quiet pep talk before running full speed into the living room, jumping over the back of the couch and plopping down, immediately wrapping a blanket around yourself. You turned the tv on, flipping through the channels to find something that wasn't scary, but seeing as it was Halloween that's all that was playing on every channel. You opted for Halloween themed kids shows on Nickelodeon. Soon you heard the sound of the doorbell ring, getting up as fast as you could and running to the door to look through the peephole, making sure it was Reggie before opening the door and jumping into his arms.

"Well hello to you too, gorgeous. Are you really that scared?" he asked wrapping his arms around you and walking you backwards in the house so he could shut the door.

"You know i hate scary movies and anything to do with Halloween." you said into his chest.

"If you had asked me to stay, i would have." he mumbled into your hair.

"I didn't want you to think i was a giant baby." you said.

"I don't think you're a baby. But i could've stayed and we could've avoided this all together. You would've never gotten scared of being here alone or heard weird noises."

"Can we just go to bed, please?" you asked.

"Sure thing, babe." he picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist and carried you upstairs to your room, sitting you on the bed gently. Once you were situated and comfortable, he climbed in next to you, pulling you into his chest.

"Feel any better?" he asked.

You nodded against his chest, "much better." you whispered.

"Go to sleep. I'll wait until you're asleep before falling asleep myself in case you wake up." he said kissing your forehead. You closed your eyes, burying your head even more into the warmth of Reggie's chest, gripping his hoodie tightly in your fist as you allowed sleep to take over.

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