sneaky // sp

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You had been practicing everyday for the last three weeks making sure to get every move right. You lied to Sweet Pea almost every night, telling him that your parents needed your help at the studio so you could spend as much time there practicing for your Serpent dance that he had no idea about. You were sure that if he did know, he'd make sure no one but himself was there to watch and that wouldn't be a fair initiation. He was clueless to your entire initiation, which you were positive was going to be an argument tonight after he does find out, but you wanted to do this and you wanted to do this on your own without him trying to stop you.

"Nervous at all?" Toni asked as she helped you with your makeup in the back.

"More nervous as to how Sweet Pea is going to react. He's not here yet is he?" you asked.

"Nope, him and Fangs are going to come right before you start so Sweet Pea doesn't have time to stop you and cause chaos like you know he would." she joked.

"Did FP get the silks up?" you asked.

"Stop asking so many questions. The silks are up and secure, Fangs is on Sweet Pea duty, your makeup and outfit are amazing, and you're going to do fantastic. Now stop worrying. Everything's going to go perfectly." she reassured. You nodded and closed your eyes, allowing her to continue your makeup in silence.

Sweet Pea and Fangs walked in only a couple of minutes before you started. Sweet Pea's eyes going straight to the stage when he noticed the bright red fabric hanging from the ceiling.

"What are they decorating for?" he asked not realizing what was happening.

"Not sure." Fangs played off. Sweet Pea's eyes got wide as he finally realized what was happening.

"No, no way. Absolutely not. Where is she? Is she done? Has she even gone up there yet? This is not happening." he was speaking so fast his questions strung together like christmas lights, no one had time to respond to any of them. Fangs grabbed Sweet Pea's shoulders to stop him from moving towards the dressing rooms, both of them freezing in their spots when music started to play.

"Oh my god." Sweet Pea said, eyes glued to your figure on the stage as you wrapped your hand around the fabric before hoisting yourself up and climbing up. Everyone watched with wide eyes, no one dared to move their gaze from you. Watching in shock and intrigue as your body wrapped and unwrapped fin the fabric, moving gracefully and sensually until the song ended. Sweet Pea was quick to push Fangs out of his way and make his way on stage to pull the fabric around you to cover you, "what the hell were you thinking? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I knew you wouldn't let me." you answered. FP moved the fabric out of the way so that he could congratulate you and place your new Serpent jacket over your shoulders.

"I can honestly say we've never seen a dance like that here in the Wyrm. Props for the creativity, y/n and welcome to your new family." he said patting your shoulder. You thanked him before turning to face Sweet Pea once more.

"Let's go home and talk about this. You obviously have a lot of questions and i kind of want to change." you said taking his hand in yours and leading him out of the bar.

When you reached Sweet Pea's trailer, he followed you inside being dangerously quiet.

"Okay, let's talk. But as adults. Don't start yelling at me because i went behind your back." you said tossing your jacket on the couch.

"I can't talk to you until you put some clothes on." he said looking your body up and down that was barely covered by the lace bodysuit you wore. You quickly moved the bedroom, grabbing shorts and a shirt before returning now fully clothed to the living room.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going through initiation? I could've helped you." he asked from his seat on the couch.

"I didn't want your help. This was something i wanted to do on my own. I only asked Toni for help tonight with makeup because i was too nervous to stop my hands from shaking long enough to do my own."

"So all those times you said you were at the studio helping your parents teach late night classes was all a cover up so you could practice." you nodded your head in confirmation.

"You sneaky little shit." he said shaking his head at you.

"Are you mad at me?" you asked.

"I'm not mad. I was when i realized what was happening, but i can't be mad at you for this."

"Did you like it?" you asked as you moved to sit next to him on the couch.

"I loved it. It was amazing. Everyone was mesmerized watching you. A couple of the guys flinched to help you when they thought you were gonna fall and hit the ground. You had everyone's full attention." he answered pulling you to sit on his lap, "you looked gorgeous and you did a phenomenal job, baby." you leaned into kiss his lips softly, mumbling a thank you in return.

"But next time, just tell me what you're doing. I almost lost my shit when i walked in the bar and saw those flowy things hanging from the ceiling. I wasn't prepared." you laughed agreeing that you will tell him next time and the two of you spent the rest of the night on the couch as you listened to Sweet Pea give you the basic rundown of how everything with the Serpents work.

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