from friends to lovers // tt

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You stood behind the bar helping Toni dry glasses as she washed them on one of the slower nights at the Whyte Wyrm. Catching up on all the latest Teen Serpent drama.

"So you're saying that Sweet Pea is completely smitten for Josie, but she's not giving him the time of day now that summer's over? What a bitch." you say as you place the clean glass back into the cabinet behind you.

"In her defense, she did tell him this was just a summer fling and nothing more." Toni shrugged handing you another glass to dry.

"Despite his hardened exterior, Sweet Pea has attachment issues and definitely thought he could persuade her otherwise."

"Alright stop talking about me like i'm not sitting right in front of you, assholes." Sweet Pea growled causing the two of you to laugh at his misery.

"Sorry, Sweets. Just stating facts." you said sending him a soft smile.

"y/n!" Jughead calls from the office upstairs.

"Well, duty calls. You guys want to grab some Pop's afterwards? We can discuss Sweet Pea's misfortune with the ladies some more." you joked before walking off upstairs to see what Jughead wanted.

"So when are you going to shoot your shot with y/n?" Sweet Pea asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Toni shot down his question returning to cleaning glasses.

"Uh huh, so you're not in love with your best friend then?" he pushed.

"I wouldn't say in love, but i definitely have a giant crush on her and i don't know what to do about it."

"Here's a suggestion," Sweet Pea said sitting up straight and leaning over the bar towards Toni a bit more, "Tell her." he said simply making Toni roll her eyes.

"I can't just tell her, what if she doesn't like me back?" Sweet Pea didn't answer, instead he stood up and made the motion of shooting a basketball before chuckling and starting a game of pool with Fangs. Toni shook her head and finished up the last of the dishes and wiping down the counters to close up shop for the night.

"Almost done, T?" you asked from behind her startling her a bit.

"Yeah, just gotta throw all of the dirty hand towels in the back to be washed in the morning. We still grabbing Pop's?" she asked.

"If you're still down. The boys are running rampant so it's just us." Toni looked behind you as the boys made the motion of shooting a basketball again making Toni's eyes go wide.

"What're they doing?" you asked turning around to find the boys looking around suspiciously with their hands behind their backs, Sweet Pea whistling out a tune.

"Nothing, just being idiots as usual. Let's go." Toni said sending a glare their way and ushering you out the door.

You and Toni sat in a booth at Pop's sipping on your milkshakes when Toni's face dropped a little. You turned to look behind you, your eyes meeting Cheryl's. You gave her a small smile and a head nod before turning back around.

"You okay, T?" you asked placing your hand on top of hers.

"Yeah i'm good." she answered taking a giant swig of her milkshake.

"If you don't mind me asking, what even happened between the two of you?"

"She decided it wasn't what she wanted anymore. It's just weird seeing her in public because i haven't seen her since we split." she said.

"You don't still have feelings for her?" your eyebrows furrowing a bit.

"No, not really. I have my eyes on someone else to be honest." she looked down at her hands, twirling one of her rings around her finger.

"Um excuse me. You can't say that and not give me details. I'm your best friend, remember?" you said sitting up, "so what's she like?"

"She's beautiful, smart, funny, probably the kindest Serpent i've ever met."

"Oooo so she's a Serpent?" Toni nodded at your question.

"Yeah, one of the ones you can count on for anything. She's very independent so she won't ask for help even if she is in desperate need. She doesn't want to bother people with her problems. The best listener by far. She gets along with anyone and everyone. She can read anyone with just one look, basically a psychic. I'd say she's my best friend." Toni said, subtly dropping a hint.

"Ouch, Toni. Way to give me the boot." you said giving your milkshake a stir, a slightly hurt expression on your face.

"No you don't understand, she's my best friend." Toni said giving those words more emphasis.

"Okay, Toni. i get it. She's your best friend. I mean, i thought i was your best friend but -" you stopped mid sentence, eyes widening as you come to realize what she was saying.

"Wait, she's your best friend?" you whispered. Toni nodded, an unsure look on her face.

"I'm your best friend." you whispered making Toni nod yet again.

"So that means you're talking about me. I'm the girl you have your eyes on." the pieces finally clicked together.

"Yeah..." Toni dragged out. You sat staring at your milkshake for a second, taking in this new information.

"Look if you don't feel the same way, it's fine. I don't want to lose you as my best friend so we can forget this ever happened. Sweet Pea told me to shoot my shot and that's what i did, but sometimes you miss a few."

"Toni?" you said softly.


"I like you too. A lot actually. I just didn't say anything for awhile because you were with Cheryl and i wanted nothing more than for you to be happy so i kept it to myself."

"So should we classify this as our first date?" Toni said as a giant smile found its way to her lips.

"I'd say so." you smiled back. The rest of the night you and Toni continued your milkshakes and walked each other home like nothing had changed, except something did change - you kissed goodnight in the middle of the street before separating to cross the street into your trailers that happen to be situated right across the street from each other.

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