consequences // malachai

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You woke up in bed, alone. Tissues everywhere and his shirt thrown on the floor. You pushed the blankets and dirty tissues away from you, climbing out of bed and heading to the bathroom. In the mirror, you were met by a girl who didn't look like you. Face puffy, mascara stains down your cheeks, eyes red and slightly swollen. You grabbed a washcloth, running it under some warm water to wipe your face clean. Grabbing your glasses off the counter when you were finished, you put them on only for your vision to be blurry. You took the glasses off, the lenses were cracked and busted. You dropped them back on the sink walking out of the bathroom back into the bedroom. You took one glance over the bed - the lonely pillows sitting at the head of the bed, your gross tissues from the night before, the feeling of being in a total strangers bed washing over you. A voice in your head told you to leave, he wasn't going to come back.

You lead Malachai into the bedroom, making his sit on the edge of it while you ran to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit.

"What happened, mal?" you asked in a panicked voice as you pulled the chair from the vanity over to sit in front of him.

"Nothing you have to worry about, baby." he answered allowing you to clean the blood from his face. You cupped his cheek, tilting his head back as you placed the cloth under his nose in an attempt to stop the bleeding.

"You can't keep lying to me."

"I'm not lying. You don't have to worry about it."

"You don't have to hide things from me either." you whispered eyes filling with tears.

You hated when he came home all bloodied and bruised and every time you asked what happened, he wouldn't tell you - opting for keeping secrets instead. You grabbed fresh clothes from the closet, closing the door you looked over yourself in the mirror that was attached to the back of it noticing how your clothes were slightly more baggy than before. Spending most of your time in bed you didn't really get up to eat.

There were good times in the relationship too. For the first couple of years, everything was amazing. You were desperately in love with him and he was just as in love with you. You remembered cruising down the back roads in his souped up car, windows down, the breeze blowing your hair around, music blasting as Malachai sped along the roads. You felt so free whenever you were with him. You remembered alone time with him. The sex was hot but sweet and loving at the same time. He made sure you were taken care of before, during and after. He worshiped your body in ways you never thought possible.

You lay in bed with Malachai, only the sheets covering your bodies. Your head laying on his chest and your fingertips mindlessly drawing shapes on the soft skin of his bare chest.

"I feel so safe with you," you whispered moving your head os you could see his face, "you are that place i feel so comfortable and loved in that i let down my defenses."

"Loving me comes with consequences, baby." he whispered.

You walked through the doors of Riverdale High, holding your books against your chest. You tried to avoid your friend group, not wanting to explain to them where you had been the last few days or why you looked so upset and depressed. You were hesitant coming back to school, but you knew that staying at that house, in his bed wasn't going to make you feel better.

Before you came to school, you packed all of your things in a bag and took it back to your house. Your mother offering you a warm hug that almost made you start crying again while your father gave you the i told you so look that you were dreading.

"y/n!" Betty and Veronica said almost like they were shocked to see you.

"Hi." you mumbled sitting your books down on the table and taking a seat on the couch.

"Are you okay? You seem a bit down in the dumps." Betty asked sitting next to you.

"Everything is fine, bets." you assured though they both saw right through you.

"Does this have anything to do with Malachai?" Veronica asked.

"It has everything to do with Malachai. You guys were right. I ignored all of the sirens and i'm paying for it now. You told me he was no good, but i let myself fall in love with him anyway." a single tear fell from your eyes as you spoke. By now the whole group was sitting around you. They hated Malachai with every fiber of their being but they hated seeing you so upset. They all hung their heads, knowing that the Serpents had something to do with what happened. You were Switzerland but that wasn't enough. Malachai always had second thoughts, thinking you were a spy for the Serpents and they were using you to get information, which was the topic of your many arguments.

"I realize now that loving him was dumb and cheap. It will continue to take shots at me every time i close my eyes because i really was in love with him," you sniffled, wiping your eyes with the sleeve of your shirt, "it was sunshine at first but then it poured and i feel like i lost more than just my senses. He told me from the start that loving him would come with consequences but i didn't think losing him and being this hurt would be one of them." you were full on sobbing in Betty's arm by the time you finished speaking.

You were hurting for a while but as the days past, you grew more inquisitive of what happened. You wanted closure and you wanted the answers to all of your questions. Talking to Malachai and seeing him after all the time that has past was going to be difficult but it was something you needed to do.

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