a summer together

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this is longgggg but it's been in my drafts since 2016 and i wanted to finish it. enjoyyyy

Ally smiles at her father as they pull up to her childhood home.

God, she missed this place so much. At first, Ally thought they were just visiting for the summer and staying with a friend, which they were, but they're staying with her childhood best friend. Which makes the trip even better. She hadn't seen him since she about twelve, and he was thirteen.

They've lived in California for years before her mom needed to support her own dying mom, which made them completely move to the state. She had to leave her best friend, and she remembers they did everything to runaway or convince them it was bad to move. But they were children, they were 'overreacting'.

But she got over it after a while, starting a new school and having new friends. She didn't know how he held up; her mother barely ever let her call because she had to 'focus on school', but she never liked the Moons, especially their son because he was such a touchmaker.

Her father beeps the horn of their rented car and Ally's smile widens when Mimi and Mike come running out, dispite it being so late in the night. She hops out of the car and runs to Mimi, pulling her in a tight, warming embrace. Mimi was like her second mom, but more helpful.

"Look at you!" Mimi exclaims, not too loudly, looking at her tiny body. "You've grown into a young woman, but boy, you are still are the smallest thing."

Ally laughs and kisses her cheek before saying she has to grab her bags. Mimi lets her go and she waves to Mike before going to the trunk to grab her bag and two suitcases.

They were rollables, so she didn't need help with the suitcases. Mimi tells her there's a spare room upstairs, as if I didn't know, but I thank her and make my way into their home.

My eyes brighten when I walk into the home, memories rushing in. Everything was almost the same, minus a few more pictures and some new furniture, but everything looked pretty much the same. It even still smelled like cinnamon rolls and cream, like when she was younger.

A grin is stuck on her face as she makes her way through the home. She sees a photo of her and Austin, posing together on his eleventh birthday, cheesing as if they were the luckiest kids on earth (probably were.) She smiles at the photo before going to the staircase.

Ah, so many memories. Ally didn't have stairs in her house, so they'd always play on Austin's, finding new ways to safely slide down them. Only once had she sprained her wrist and they promised to never do it again (which they did keep.) But she let Austin choose her colored cast and he was the only person to sign it.

Austin's parents and her parents always thought they were awfully close for being so young, but they all (excluding her mother) adored it very much. Honestly, Lester didn't want to take away Ally from Austin, but he felt obligated to since Penny was his wife.

Sad thing was, they divorced a year later, but there wasn't enough money at the time to even come back for a visit.

Ally had made her way upstairs, excitement seeping in her nerves. Austin's room was up here. Did he remember her? He wasn't waiting for her like his parents. Wait, what if he hated her?

Ally thinks about the fact that it's three in the morning and calms.

Taking a breath, she goes to the spare room down the hall, stopping herself from going to Austin's room. It's not that she didn't want to see him; she's sweaty from the five hour ride and smells like melted butter. She doesn't want that to be her first meeting with Austin. If he's even awake, anyway.

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