group home

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"Everyone! Come downstairs to meet your new house mate!"

Now, Austin was only thirteen and girls were the furthest thing from his mind. He already had to live with a bunch of strange, weird kids while keeping up with his school life and friends. Girls didn't realize meet his list of priorities.

That was until Ally was introduced to the home.

He stares at her shy figure in awe, watching as she observed everyone around her as they spoke to her.

"Austin, say hi to Ally," their group leader says, ushering him over to the girl. "She's your age."

Austin was a nice boy; he was sweet to everyone, tried to make everyone laugh, and always cheered everyone up.

But for some reason, his new profound feelings about girls made him do something unusual.

As he steps up to Ally, he sneers, "You're definitely not going to last long here."

Austin doesn't know why he said that, but he can't help but feel instant regret as he says that, seeing her back away and tear up. Even hus other group members that he didn't really get along with pushed on him, calling him a jerk.

"Austin, why would you say that?!"

He doesn't know.


4 years later, he's sure she hates him.

Really, he doesn't know why he spent his early teenage years agonizing her instead of apologizing, but here they are.

Austin made her life harder than it already was. It was bad enough they were in a group home, but now she had a boy living with her who constantly played pranks and annoyed her. He just didn't know how to get her attention other than annoying her. She pretty much ignores him unless she's screaming at him.

"Austin! Ally! Come to the kitchen."

Austin sighs and moves from his comfortable spot on his bed. As he opens his door, Ally is coming out of her room, too. Ally had to share a room with another foster kid. Austin was the older of the house, so with an odd number of children, he got the privilege of getting his own room.

Austin nods in greet to her, in which she awkwardly smiles. They didn't really hate each other; they just didn't get along. Well, he's sure Ally hates him, but is too nice to show it.

As they come into the kitchen together, they look at their group home leader, Janet, and takes a seat at the counter. "What's going on?" Austin asks.

Janet places two sheets of paper in front of the pair while sipping on her coffee. "Well, Austin, you turn eighteen in December and Ally turns eighteen in January. I just want you guys to be sure on what you want to do after you become legal."

Ally frowns. "We don't get kicked out immediately, do we?"

Janet shakes her head with a frown, leaning over to grab her hand. "Oh, no, sweetie. You're welcome to stay here until you turn twenty-one. But... you have other options, too. Like, if you want, the state will lease you your own an apartment until youre 21 and supply you with money for necessities as long as you're working or in college. Same applies if you stay, though you might recieve less benefits."

Austin reads over the paper in a bit of shock. "Wait, so we can move out while we're still in high school? They'll pay for it?"

Janet nods, giving him a light smile. "As long as you're keeping up with school and attendance and staying out of trouble, yes."


Ally nods in agreement, staring at the paper. "It's just crazy to think I'm finally turning eighteen."

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