Chapter 34: Care Services

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(Author: This part tells you what happened to (Y/N) while the girls guard him. Enjoy.)

No One POV

Ruby and Jane were first up. Once everyone left the room, they both took a seat next to (Y/N). They both wondered what to do until the next shift comes.

Jane: ". . . So . . . What was all that screaming that night?"

Ruby became flustered. She starts to slightly shake, afraid of of letting her know but didn't want to lie.

Ruby: "I-I don't believe that is any of your concern. It is a private matter between me and him."

Jane smiles and starts to laugh.

Jane: "Oh, Yang already told us! Sounds like a fun night!"

Ruby completely shuts down from shock and embassement. She starts to mumble and spit froth from the corners of her mouth. Who else did Yang tell?

Ruby: "What did she . . . When did . . . What . . . I just . . . I-I-"

She stammers, trying hard to find an excuse. Eventually, she gives up.

Ruby: "Yeah it was pretty good . . ."

Jane: "Like in the fan fictions?!"

Ruby: "I never read his fan fictions."

Jane gasped in excitement. She took out her scroll and typed furiously. She then gives the scroll to Ruby. Ruby looks at it to see it titled "Being boned by the Skeleton." This makes her laugh uncontrollably as this was a funny name. They both read the fan fiction, as time went on they both got more and more into it.

Jane: "Did he just . . ."

Ruby: "That shouldn't fit!"

Jane: "Oh my Oum!"

Ruby: "This is filth! *Coninues to read.*"

Comments like these were made throughout the entire story. At the end, Jane and Ruby had nose bleeds.

Jane: "Was it like that?"

Ruby: "That seemed too similar. It was like we are in a fan fiction as well."

Jane: "Wow. I totally want to do those things."

Ruby: "So ask him, I'm sure he will help."

Jane: "Wait, aren't you, Yang and (Y/N) kind of a thing?"

Ruby: "In all honesty, I don't think it is like that. Even if it were, I don't mind sharing."

Jane nods with a smile, already imagining herself with The Skeleton. After a while, Jane looks at Ruby.

Jane: "What was he like, as a brother?"

Ruby knew what she was asking, but again, couldn't answer.

Ruby: "He was sweet and fragile, he wouldn't hurt a fly. And now that I found him, he is killing people like it wad a hobby."

Jane: "So . . . Why di-"

Ruby: "Jane . . . If I could go back and change one thing in my life, I would go and be a better sister for him."

Jane was confused. Ruby didn't want to say anything that would cause Yang and herself grief throughout the school year.

Jane: "Ruby, I know your not a bad person. You can trust me to treat you both the same and I will be by your side as a friend. I would like it if you told me, I will keep it a secret and reserve judgement. If you don't, I completely understand."

Ruby sat there for 30 minutes. She turns to Jane with teary eyes.

Ruby: "You promise not to tell?"

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