Chapter 44

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“I’m so sorry that I couldn’t sway your father to halt his plans.” I stroked Elizabeth’s back as I spoke.

“No, it’s fine. I was well aware that he wouldn’t change his mind. It means a lot that you would try to stand up for me.” She responded with a small smile.

“Yes, but it seems my… words only gave your father more anger towards you. I was just informed that he now plans to have you leave tomorrow.” I was so ashamed.

“Well, our wedding is still two weeks away. My father is just sending me off earlier in hopes of all of the drama surrounding it to stop. That’s actually a good thing. I have a few more days to get to know my future husband. I’m sorry I will miss your wedding though.”

“Oh, please. It’s fine.” I laughed.

“So, it’s only three days away. Are you excited?” She moved closer to me in mock curiosity.

“When I first heard the date of our wedding almost two months ago, I was horrified. I didn’t feel ready and I didn’t think it was what I wanted. Over time, my opinion has certainly changed. So, to answer your question, yes I am very excited.”

We both shared a laugh. “Well, I know one thing. I was wrong.” Elizabeth quipped.

“How so?”

“Our first conversation consisted of me telling you that my brother would never truly care about you. I was wrong. The way he acts around you, it’s something I’ve never seen before. He truly loves you. It’s like one of those stories we were told as children when the handsome prince and the beautiful princess fall in love. It’s like a fairy tale.”

I thought about that. It was like a fairy tale. Sure, we had some fights and a few difficult times, but our love only seemed to come out stronger through it all. Our romance was a fairy tale, a story to tell our children someday.

Author's Note- I hope you like the story so far. I have an exclusive spoiler for anyone who comments on this chapter or messages me. It isn't a miniscule one, but something shocking.

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