Chapter 88

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We walked for what felt like hours. I could see the sun peaking over the horizon as we arrived at a small cabin. It vaguely reminded me of the one I stayed in when I ran away, but it was a darker brown and in a different location. There were trees all around it and no roads or paths to be seen. Matthew kicked the door a few times and it swung open. I thought I may have a chance to escape once he walked inside, but he didn’t move.

“You first.” He gestured towards the entrance.

My feet were heavy as I dragged them inside. My face stayed a dull expression as I looked around the cabin. It was one room and despite its tiny appearance, it felt so much smaller. A stone fireplace was next to the door and I almost tripped on the stack of wood that sat next to it. In the center of the room was a two person bed and an unlit lantern. A square table was in the far corner with two chairs. Against the free wall space, wooden crates were stacked on top of one another. If I didn’t know any better, I would mistake this as a storage shed opposed to the lair it really was. The windows had boards over them to hide what was lying inside.

Matthew came in after me and shut the door with a thud. Then, as if he had done it a hundred times before, he pushed the nearest stack of crates against it as a barricade. “Welcome to your new home.”

“This is more of a prison than a home.” I mumbled. “How do you plan to make sure no one finds me? This cabin looks a little suspicious.” I pointed towards the covered windows.

He smiled. “Let me worry about that. You should get some rest. We have been walking all night.”

I didn’t move. “I am not overly tired. Besides that, I am not sleeping while you are around.”

Matthew sighed. “I know you aren’t ready to trust me, but you will realize that I have done this for your own good. I am doing what is best for you.” He strolled past me and pulled down a crate.

“Please illuminate me on this now. How is this going to make my life better?”

He began pulling packages from the crate and putting them on the table. “I know what happens when you are part of my family. You become an object who’s feelings are not cared for. I would never do that to you.”

I rolled my eyes in his direction. “You already have. I was happy where I was. Everything was finally falling into place and then this happens.”

“We can talk later. Please come have some food.” While I had been speaking he set down glasses and plates. The packages he had were full of food. A canteen of water was sitting next to them.

As much as I didn’t trust him, I was hungry. I hadn’t eaten since lunch the day before. I eyed him carefully as I sat down. He watched my every move as if it was the most entertaining thing in the world. I could tell that there was little chance of someone saving me here. I had to do something myself if I wanted to be free.

Author's Note- I am thinking of doing a spin-off of one of the character's from this story. If you think it is a good idea, please let me know. I would still write this one, but make a new one, too. Thanks for reading. I hope to update soon.

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