Chapter 45

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The sun woke me. I wasn’t sure where I was at first, but then the King moved beside me. I was in his bed. I scrambled to get up, but did after fighting off his heavy sheets. I found my corset, but my dress was nowhere. I looked under every chair and tapestry. Nothing.

I had to get out of here. Surely my maid would be coming to wake me soon and if she didn’t find me, she might report it to Sophia. That would be the end of me. Last night was a blur, several glasses of wine and the King’s kisses fogging my memory. Where had my dress fallen?

I had to leave. The only thing I could find was the King’s robe. It was too large for me and was nothing close to my normal dresses but I was desperate. I pulled the robe on over my corset and slid out of the room. I gave the guard outside a look, telling him not to talk. Luckily, due to the early hour, not many people roamed the halls and I was able to hide from those who did. I could see my room down the corridor when I heard the click of heels behind me

They cleared their throat before speaking. “Lucy?” It was Sophia.

I slowly turned to face her. “Sophia. Where are you coming from? It’s a little early.” Maybe if I questioned her, she would forget about my circumstance.

“I was out seeing Princess Elizabeth off. I was going back to my room. Where did you come from?” She was staring at me with determined eyes.

“Me? Oh I was just… seeing the Princess off as well.” I lied casually.

“I didn’t see you there. Also, you wore that to see the Princess off?” Sophia gestured towards my billowing outfit.

I was searching my brain for an excuse. “Yes. I got cold.”

“Oh, that makes sense. You got cold so you grabbed the first thing you could find, the King’s robe.” She walked closer to me, her expression angry. “Tell me it isn’t true. Are you having an affair with the King?”

I desperately searched for something to bring her off track. “Are you having an affair with the King? How else could you have known this was the King’s robe.”

She seemed to be getting tired of my babbling. “It has his crest on it along with his name.”

“That would be a giveaway.” I sighed, defeated. “It’s not an affair. We’re in love.”

Sophia rolled her eyes. “He doesn’t love you. I have seen men like him do this before. My father would do this to every girl and then break her heart. You mean nothing to him.” I crossed my arms, insulted by her accusation. “I don’t want to do this, but I have to for your sake. I order you, as your Princess, to stop this. You’re to never see him like that again. Do hear me?”

I couldn’t take it. I shot her an evil look before storming into my room. This was not up to her. I would do as I pleased.

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