Mary's advice

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I felt a little tipsy as I ran up the staircase, and made my way to Mary's room. I opened the door slowly and entered her chambers pleased to see her sitting by the table, reading a novel by candlelight, a novel that she probably got from her time in Arizona. The look she threw me was not a happy one and I straightened up and tried to walk steady, knowing full well that I was about to recieve a good scolding from her.

"Christopher you are drunk!" she said, shaking her head in dissaproval. "You were not sent to earth to dive into life's pleasures and forget all about your responsibilities! You will need a clear head to do the work that you are assigned, but you my friend have already started on the wrong foot! I have had a glimpse of the next few days and I must tell you that the Twelve Council will not be too happy with your drinking and womanizing."

"Womanizing" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

Mary sighed and said sofly, "Christopher, you know I love you as if you are my own son. I helped bring you into this world, and held you in my arms when you were but a wee babe. I have watched you grow through my visions and waited with anticipation for your return. I have high expectations of you Christopher. You are equiped with everything you will need to succeed in your assignment to save the world, please do not let us all down!"

"Mary, I will never let you or anyone else down! I will do everything I was sent here to do and more!" I said and my eyes filled with tears. "I just wish that I could change my parents charts and save them from their destiny."

"There is nothing you can do to change their fate, Christopher." she whispered. "No one can change the written word."

I sighed and automatically changed the subject, fearing a mental breakdown. "So what do you want to discuss with me?"

"You know the veil is almost all the way down. The dark ones seek to destroy everything in their way. They are strong and want to conquor the world. Isobel has teamed up with them and together their strength is solid. Isobel seeks revenge with a vegance and she will stop at nothing until she succeeds." Mary said. I know her visions tell the truth, and Mary holds a strong position in the courts due to her visions and wisdom. The court members hold her in high regards and often come to her for advise.

"What do you want me to do Mary, I'm listening." I told her in a serious tone.

"I want you to focus and stay on track. Soon all hell will break loose and you must be ready and able to act quickly. You must avoid drinking ale for now, and do not get tempted with the young maidens of the court. For they will fall at your feet begging for your attentions, but it is not the right time for you to be fooling around. Save that for later, when your job is done, please Christopher, I need for you to focus on the task at hand. It will be a rough ride but we will prevail!" she said, with a confident voice.

AUTHORS NOTE: please vote and comment and I will love you forever.

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