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Y/n Pov:

"One. Two. Three!" Mike says, and me and Bryan turn around and shoot each other. His bullet missed and I got him dead in the eyes. "Y/n Wins!" Mike yells. I dance and Bryan just looks down with a 'goddamnit' face. Someone walks in and its another female wearing a Team Edge shirt that says Bryan is love on it.

She looks straight at me. "Hello, Y/n." She says. Her voice cracks and she is shaking. She walks towards me and I back up. Everyone looks at her and Paul runs upstairs with a phone in his hand and then she runs at me and spins me around and holds a knife to my throat. "SHE NEEDS TO DIE!" She says. I see Matt walking forward and trying to explain to her that this would be bad. Bryan runs out the door. "She doesn't deserve to live... You hired the wrong one..." She mutters. I stare at everyone in horror.  I mouth the words, 'Help!' Then I feel the weight off my neck and I fall. "GAH!" I turn around and Bryan has her pinned into the ground I feel my throat and my brother, Tanner, helps me up and guides me to Bryan's office. I sit on the couch and I tilt my head back and I close my eyes. I hear the door open and I open my eyes.

"Hey Y/n.. You ok?" He asks, looking at me concerned. I nod and I close my eyes again. Thats when I feel a pair of lips on mine. They were so warm and soft. I open my eyes and Bryan is kissing me. I close my eyes again and I kiss Bryan back. He loses balance and lands on me and we get closer. I lie on the couch while he makes out with me. I hear footsteps.

"Eww." Gunner says. I stop and look and Connor hits him. "Owwww!" He whines.

"About Time!!" Connor says like a girl. I glare at him and Bryan moves my head towards him. He kisses me again and gets up. "Oh no.." Connor says. Bryan grabs the nerf gun off my table and cocks it. "CRAP!" He runs away and Bryan chases him. Gunner just stands there in shock. I laugh and I slowly grab another gun and I shoot Gunner. He runs away fake screaming. When I get downstairs, me and Bryan run into each other and our lips hit each other. Everyone is doing the 5th grade thing, 'Ooooooooh!" I stare at Bryan in the eyes and he stares back into mine.

I love him so much...

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