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Bobby Pov:

I wake up in the morning and I see I got shockingly no texts from Y/n.. She always texts a good morning or a wake up bestie. I get up, worried and I get dressed, I get in the car and I drive to her apartment. I get there and the door is wide open. I run up and I see Y/n on the ground. I run to her. Her face looks beat as if someone used brass knuckles. I hold her top half up. She wakes up slowly, sees me, and immediately latches on to me. "Get me out of here... Please..." she whispers, frightened. I nod and I slowly pick her up and I run her to my car and I slowly lie her down in the back. Then someone yells at me. I turn to see a guy with brass knuckles.

"That's my bitch that you took." He yells, walking down the steps. I text Matthias and tell him to call 9-1-1 at (address to Y/n's apartment). I slowly grab the tire iron I have in my backseat and he goes to hit me and I put the iron up and block it. "THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND! GIVE ME BACK MY HOE!" He yells. I hear sirens. I sheild Y/n from him punching the window. I get hit with some shards but not damaging. The cops get here and arrest the abusive boyfriend. I pick up Y/n and carry her to the ambulance and I climb in.

Y/n Pov: ~Three Days Later~

I'm staying at Bobby's house after my boyfriend beat me with brass knuckles. I was so beat in the face and gut that I couldn't go to work. I'm laying in the guest bedroom and I hear a knock. I look over and its Bobby. "Hey Bob..." I say, my voice being hoarse. He walks in and sits by me. "What do you need...?" I ask.

He sighs. "I just want to tell you my thoughts.." he says. I nod and instead of spewing words, he kisses me on my cheek. "I love you more than anything.. You make me happy when my skies are dark and you guide me through it all.. I love you so much... Will you be my girlfriend...?" He asks. I feel my smile growing widely. I nod and I lay my head back on my pillow. He stands up, kisses my lips and carries me upstairs to 'our' room.

He was my hero...
And now my boyfriend...
What a coincidence..

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