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Y/n Pov:

"Bryan!!" I say, chasing him around, "Give me my beanie!!" I run after him while he had my beanie. I finally catch him and throw the water balloon in my hand at his face. "SUCKER!" I scream at him. He starts laughing really hard and his laugh just got to me. I fall on the ground and start laughing.

"BRYAN! Y/N!" Matthias screams from the Hi5 Studios garage door. We get up still dying of laughter. "It's Time to record.." he says, holding down a laugh at Bryan's soaked head which is spiked up. "Y/n (laughs) go get Joey (laughs)" I nod laughing and I head upstairs. I became the Battle Universe and Team Edge editor about a month ago and Bryan and I made a best friend connection. I still haven't told Bryan my secret crush in the office yet. He doesn't know that my crush is who I'm going to get. As soon as I reach the upstairs and at Joey's door, I knock and I immediately hear snoring. I sigh. I see a Nerf gun sitting on the table behind me and I grab it and check. Fully Loaded! I cock the gun and rush in and shoot J-Fred in the back.

"Wake Up!" I say, as he gets startled awake by my bullet. He sees me and his cheeks turn pink.

"You got me for the third time this week!" He jokes. I stumble in, laughing really hard. I didnt realize how close I was to J-Fred's couch that when I stumbled forward again, I fell on top of J-Fred. He had his legs spread sprawled eagle. My lips crashed into his quickly. I stand up quickly and frantically apologize.

"Oh my god! Dude, I'm so sorry!" He stands up as I'm apologizing. "Pleaze forgive-" He kisses me back while holding me close to him. My eyes go wide as I kiss back. He lets go. "Me..." I finish my sentence after 10 seconds of silence.

"Don't apologize. I enjoyed that." He said and escaped the room. I walked downstairs not noticing my face is tomato red. Bryan sees me and pulls me aside before going into the Team Edge space.

"What happened upstairs?" He asks. His eyebrows raise as he knows I did something.

"N-Nothing H-H-Happened..." I stutter. He smirks.

"You did something. You have a crush on him don't you?" He asks. I shake my head rapidly to reply no.

Then there's fucking Matthias.. .-.

"JOEY KISSED Y/N!!" He screams. I whine and find the pantry closet and close the door and lock it. "Where's the lovely Y/n?!" He calls out.

"Nooooo....." I groan. I hear footsteps and the door rattling. The door opens and its Joey and Bryan. "Nooo!" I squeal and laugh nervously. They pick me up and Kevin has the second camera for Team Edge recording.

"They're torturing the small Y/n." Matthias says to the camera. They starts tickling me.

"Nooooooo!!" I squeal again. Laughing really hard. Joey pushes Bryan off me and closes the closet door with me and him inside. I stare up into his eyes and he kisses me again. He holds my waist while hes kissing me. I quickly push off as Bryan opens the door. I rush myself to the chairs for the challenge.

Did that seriously just happen to me?!

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