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Y/n Pov:

"I SWEAR I'M A TOWNSWOMAN!" I say, looking at Bobby with pleading eyes. He thinks for a second. We are playing the Who Done It? MAFIA Challenge and It's Matt, Bryan, Joey, Kevin, Connor, Gunner and Myself. I was the mafia and it was between Me, Connor, Gunner and Bryan. "I'm telling you, I am not the mafia guys. Bryan is the mafia!" I say, holding the king card behind my back. Everyone votes out Connor and now its between Bryan, Gunner and Myself. Bobby keeps eye calling my and smirking tp himself. I have red on my face.

"I think Bryan is the mafia!" Gunner says.

"So do I!" I join in.

Bryan looks at everyone in disgust. "I didn't do it!!! It's Y/n!" He says.

"Two votes for Bryan! MAFIA WINS!" Bobby says excitedly. I hold up my card with a smile. "Y/n wins!" He says.

"No!" Bryan says. We all laugh and end the video. I head upstairs and reach ny office before I get poked on the shoulder. Startled, I jump into Bobby who wraps his arms around me. I turn around and I stare into his eyes. I walk backwards to my room and he follows me in.

I close my door and he gets close to my ear and whispers, "I love you Y/n... Do you love me back?" He asks. I nod slowly and then he kisses me. He pins me against the wall and it turns into a small make out session. I cup his face.

"I love you Bobby..." I mutter. He kisses my cheek and goes to my ear lobe and nibbles on it. I moan a bit till he puts a finger on my mouth.

"I'll let you get back to work, Y/n." He says, getting off of me and leaving for downstairs. I sit down on my couch just stunned. I had never knew he had a crush on me.. I started about 6 months ago and I had crush on him since.. Matt comes up the stairs and into my office.

"Hey Y/n?" He asks, sitting down on my office desk. "Want to be in.. A battle.. Universe.. Video..?" He asks slowly because he watches me slowly smile. "Y/n you ok?" He asks.

I wake up. "Yeah. Yeah I'll join!" I say happily. I stand up and run downstairs with Matthias chasing me.

My dream came true..

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