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Kevin Pov:

"Yo, Bryan!" I call out to my brother. He walks in and I start questioning him about the new girl in the office. "What is she like?" I ask. He tells me how she's really shy but she mkjakes edits really well and she's funny. "Is she cute?" I ask. He looks at me and raises an eyebrow. "I just have to know, Bro." I say.

He rolls his eyes. "You'll know when we're done recording for Team Edge. I have to get back to them." He says. I rush down after him and tell Tanner to go get our Chipotle order. I grab his camera and I run out there and the first person I see is a girl. It's gotta be her. "What are you doing?" Bryan asks.

"I'm gonna hold the camera till Tanner gets back from getting Chipotle." I say. He narrows his eyes. "I swear!" I say. He rolls his eyes and follows me into the Team Edge space.

Y/n Pov:

I see someone with dark skin like Bryan's skin color holding Tanner's camera. He's really really cute. I tap on my best friend, J-Fred. "Who's that holding Tanner's camera?" I ask.

He looks at him and back to me. "That's Kevin. He's Bryan's brother." He tells me. I whisper what I think about him. "Oh really now?" He asks.

"Don't you dare, Joey." I say, narrowing my eyes. He grins his evil grin. "Joey. Don't even think about it." I say.

He stands up, "Hey Kevin." I growl. He looks at me and giggles. "You ever met the wonderful and awesome Y/n right?" He says.

"Joey..." I mutter under my breath.

Kevin looks at me and smiles. "No I havent. I'm Kevin." He says.

"Y/n" I say in return. Joey sits down and I punch him in the side. "Jerk." I mutter. He laughs and Kevin goes back to holding Tanner's camera.

~30 minutes later~

I lost the challenge and I spin the wheel. I get water balloon firing squad. After I get soaked, the video ends and I go into the bathroom and change for Battle Universe I closed the door and I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist. I quickly turn around to see Kevin, pulling me into an embrace. I hug back and he pulls back and picks me up by my legs and holds me to where I'm his height. "Hi, Y/n.." He whispers.

"Hi, Kevin.." I whisper back. He gets closer to my mouth when a knock was on the door.

"Y/n, Did you fall in?" J-Fred called out. "Also, we can't find Kevin. Have you seen him?" He asked.

"No I haven't. Maybe he went upstairs?" I said, suggestingly.

"He's in there isn't he?" He asks. I hold my breath.

"No." I say. Kevin is still quiet.

"Suuuuure." J-Fred says. "Well hurry up, were waiting on you." He says and walks away. I look at Kevin who puts a finger to my lips. I slight nod and he kisses my lips. His lips are soft. I kiss back as he holds me. He puts me down and lets me leave.

I leave the bathroom and we film the video. I head upstairs and I edit the video. Kevin is in my room waiting for me and kisses my forehead.

I found my true love today..

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