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Y/n Pov:

I was walking to my work at my favorite cafe in downtown L.A. I was tired and I was waiting for my bus to get here because I didn't have a car. I go to get up and I accidentally run into someone and we collide to the ground. I split my knee open and the person that I collided with frantically rushes over. "You ok!? I am so sorry about this! God I am an idiot!!" The guy says. I go to stand but pain fills my leg. The guy picks me up bridal style. "I'm gonna take you to the hospital. I have something in my car to have it stop bleeding till then." He's so cute.. Hella hot too.. "What's your name, Miss?" He asks.

"Y/n.... You?" I ask, my leg hurting me terribly. He tells me his name is Joey but to call him J-Fred. I nod and let him wrap my knee.

~A week later~

The doctor walks in as I'm telling J-Fred about where I would like to work. "You fractured your knee but you'll have to use crutches to get around. Surgery starts tomorrow." He says. I nod and I sigh. J-Fred has his face in his hands.

"Don't cry, J-Fred..." I say. He looks at me and I use my hands to wipe his tears away. Then my brother Connor walks in.

"Hey Y/n. You o-" he starts out but stops when he sees J-Fred. "J-Fred?" He says.

J-Fred stands up. "Connor?" I look at them both confused. Joey looks at me. "I work with him at my brother's place, Hi5 Studios." J-Fred says.

"Well.. You're sitting next to my sister." Connor says. J-Fred sits back down, crying. "Whhhhy...?" Connor asks. I told him he accidentally ran into me.

I see him get upset. "But Connor, Don't worry, It was an accident. I'll be fine." I say. I motion him to my other side. "I'm fine. Don't you see he feels bad enough already?" I say.

~Three Months Later~

I'm working with my brother and J-Fred at Hi5 Studios. J-Fred walks into our office. "Hey Y/n..?" He says shyly. I look up at him. "Can I tell you something..?" He says, slowly closing the door. I nod and I sit up slowly, making sure to not make my leg hurt. He sits next to me. "Ever since we met, I have felt bad for hurting you and I fell in love with you.. And I just-" I stop him by kissing him on the lips. He kisses back in shock and after a few seconds, I pull back.

"Me too J-Fred... I love you.." I whisper. He smiles.

"I love you too Y/n...
I'm happy you feel the same.."

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