Chapter 73

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Chand's POV:

We reached Dobrail house and greeted him along with other business persons....Arnab walks from the bar counter with two drinks and keeps it in front of us..... Dipannita also comes there....

Dipannita : Mr. Raichand.... How are you??

Me: Alright.... How are you?

Arnab: In fact I was just going to introduce..... You people know each other.....

Dipannita: Yeah!!!  From very long time....

Arnab: Great!! Oh... Before I forget..... Ramsingh!! Mirror in Panchi baby's room got do one think change it with new one.

He points towards the bar counter.... The house staff takes the mirror and places it on the table facing the sofa... I saw Dipannita looking in the mirror and pointing with her finger to inform Arnab about it.. I Realized Hassena's reflection is not seen in the mirror.... That means today she came without vampire protection.... Damn Hassena.. Why?? Dipannita may take advantage of the situation.. Hassena feels uneasy.....

Abhay's POV :

I reached Dobrail house with Piya... She has some work with Misha and Panchi.... I saw Mom's reflection is not seen in the mirror..  before anyone notices it I bumped into house staff and mirror falls to ground and breaks....

Me: Oh!! I am sorry....

I can see dad is relieved and Dipannita is annoyed as her plan to expose us failed....

Me: I don't know why.... How it happened.... I just didn't see...

Dad: You should be careful....

Arnab: Oh! No Mr. Raichand..its okay... It is just a mirror... No problem another will come..

Dipannita's POV :

Smart move Abhay..... No mistake has happened here.... Abhay Raichand.... Who is faster than wind... One who is so powerful that he can finish his enemies alone...  can't see a mirror... You are very smart that you saved your mom but not always.....Abhay comes and sit on sofa where I am sitting.... Piya moves upstairs to Misha's room..
Abhay ask me about Jeh and Elina.... I told that they are coming....

Abhay's pov;

We all sat on dining table.... They were insisting us for eating.... Making excuse of Mom's health we left from there...

Me: thanks Mr. Dobrail for inviting us... I think now we should take your leave now...

Arnab: But you people didn't ate something..... Please atleast have a drink...

Me: No... Thanks... Next time... Actually Mom is not feeling well so we should leave now... Good night...

Mom and dad left in there car.... Meanwhile Piya planned a surprise for me.... So I am going there... 

Piya's POV :

I have planned special date for us.... Misha and Panchi helped me.... I am eagerly waiting for him... I saw a shadow emerging towards me... 

Me: You came Abhay...

Abhay: how I would have not come....

Me: Did you like the decoration..

Abhay : its beautiful!!

We looked into each others eyes.... Old memories flashing in our minds.... Abhay cups my face with both hand.... We are inch apart....

Abhay: Piya you are bigger than my life... Every aspiration of my life is you... Every hope of my life is you... You are everything to me.... I love you Piya.

He kisses my forehead.....

Abhay's POV :

I was about to kiss her..  we were inch apart.... I visualise that MOM is in danger..... They attacked her.....Piya I need to go... She needs me....I ran through jungle with super sonic speed... 

I reached the spot Mom is lying on the ground.... She has mark on her face must be given by Dipannita..... Dad is fighting alone with Jeh.... Mom is struggling to get up....

Dipannita : foolish weak drinkers.  What do you think.... You would come in front of me without protection and I will leave you.... I will finish you.... 

Dad knocked down Jeh unconscious....
I told Mom to go from there but she is not ready to leave..... Dipannita attacked Mom.... I took the charge and stood in front of my parents...

Me : Not so easily....  you have to fight with me first....

Dipannita : I will kill you...

We moved to each other...on my way I picked up a wooden stake lying on the ground...  and stabs Her.... Stake was inside her heart.... She was screaming in pain....

Piya's POV :

How he can leave me like this here... I have planned so many things but he spoiled everything... He must be having the valid reason otherwise I am not gonna talk him this time... Who needs her more than me... Who is she.... I Am tempted to find out.... I Hired a taxi on my way I saw Dipannita and Raichands car... I  get down to tge forest to find out..... I saw a body lying on the ground.... Abhay and his dad helping Mrs. Raichand to get up... His parents were badly wounded.....

Abhay: Mom... Dad you go home I would handle them....

Abhay walks towards the body.... Omg she is Dipannita.... Jeh's mom... Screaming in pain.... I reaches near and standing behind the tree.... I watches with the fear.... Abhay advancing towards Dipannita who is lying with wooden stake in her heart.... He removes the stake in one swift
Pull and thrust it again.. I closed my eyes with my hands....  Dipannita's blood has fallen all over Abhay's face...  I am trembling with fear what I had witnessed.... A murder...... Why he killed her.... All questions are flashing in my mind..... Is it a nightmare.....


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