Chapter 48

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Killian's POV

Emma was finally coming home with everyone and she still wouldnt tell me about what happened with Zelena.

"Emma, come on love." I say to her once after we got back to Storybrooke.

"Killian its late and we start school tomorrow." She says.

"Yeah I know. Take me hand." I say.

She took my hand and I took her to a special place. Right by the water. Its where I see her thinking its where I go to think its kinda our thing.

"So whats going on?" She asks.

"Zelena, Swan I want to know." I say.

"I cant. I.." She says.

"I love you and I wont tell anyone." I say.

"She's pregnant with Robin's baby. She doesnt want Regina to know. She also told me something in the car while you and Regina were getting snacks and filling the car." She says.

"And whats that love?" I ask.

"She's aborting the baby." She says.

"Wow why?" I ask.

"Because she doesnt feel like its time to for her to be a mother. She had sex with Robin and knows Regina likes him. It was a mistake Robin and Regina fought then Zelena and Regina fought. Then Zelena and Robin had sex probably to make Regina mad. Now Robin doesnt know and Zelena never wants to tell anyone. You cant say anything." She says.

"I will not tell a soul." I say.

"Thanks." She says and kisses me.

She then climbs on my lap and I pulled away.

"Swan, I wasnt just avoiding you because of these bad people from my past." I say.

"What was the other reason?" I ask.

"Because I was planning on possibly letting you go. Your giving everything up for me and I didnt want that to happen. So I stopped talking to you. Now before you yell at me I know it was wrong and I should have told you, but I was so afraid that I ruined your life that you would never want me again. The more I pushed you away the more I realized I cant be without you. Im so sorry I treated you like that. Im so sorry." I say to her.

"You pushed me away because you thought I was ruining my life. You wanted to make it easier for me to leave. The more I was away from you the more you wanted to be with me. So by telling me this knowing I will want to stay with you even more now all to make sure I never leave you. Is that right?" She asks.

"Yeah I know now that I hear it. I sound selfish." I say.

"No, thats is the most amazing things I have ever heard in my life. For being so amazing and perfect come here Jones." She says and kisses me.

She runs her hands through my hair and then we heard someone clear their throat.


Emma and I looked up at Regina and she was with Robin and her mom. Emma looked at me and then we looked back at them. I really hope Emma doesnt get blamed for this.

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