Chapter 9

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Emma's POV

"No! No! No!" I yell throwing my clothes all over my room.

"What are you doing?" Zelena asks.

"Im looking for something." I tell her.

"Okay." She says and skips away.

I was really trying to find the perfect outfit to wear for this date with Killian. God I cant mess this up. He is like the only guy that has made me have a crush on him the badly. I feels like something more.

"Hey Emma. Neal's here says he wants to see you. I told him to come on in." Regina says.

Shit. I hate Neal so much.

"Emma, hello beautiful." Neal says to me.

"Get away from me Neal." I say pushing him away.

"Emma, lets get all our clothes off and play in your bed." He says.

"Gross Neal. I dont want to sleep with you." I say.

"You know you want me." He says.

"No I really dont. Now get out." I say shoving him out of my room.

Then I found the outfit that was perfect for tonight. I really cant wait to see Killian he will make everything better.

Killian's POV

I went to the store and picked up some stuff for the nightly picnic with Emma.

"Wow all this stuff is lovely Killian. Emma is one lucky girl." Belle says.

"Thanks for helping me." I say.

"All I did was get you the blanket." She says.

"Killian come here a moment." Liam says.

"Yeah Liam?" I ask going to him.

"Why are you going out with Emma?" He asks.

"Well because I like her and because maybe she wont wonder why I lied to her about things." I say.

"Well just be careful. That Neal is a freak. We cant have a repeat of last time." He says.

"I know brother. It will be okay." I say.

"Oh and if Emma runs past her time again. Dad said she can stay here." He tell me.

"Okay. I gotta go. Belle thank you so much. Liam, I promise I'll behave. Oh and dad yes I will make sure Emma is 100% safe." I say.

I went to the park and placed everything that I needed. I laid the blanket out and turned on battery powered candles. Then I saw her she was even more beautiful then I remember. Here goes nothing.

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