Chapter 26

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Killian's POV

"Its been a month Killian. When are we going to confront dad and Cora?" Liam asks.

"Liam we arnt going to." I say.

"What why?" He asks.

"Because the last time they thought I knew Emma was almost killed as was Regina and Zelena." I say.

"Which is why we know both of those things we can tell them we know and it will make sure Cora doesnt hurt anyone again because we will turn her in." He says.

"Liam we need to talk to Regina and Zelena first." I say.

"Fine." He says.

I texted Regina to meet us at the docks so we all can talk. When we got there Regina and Zelena were waiting for us.

"Okay. Liam thinks we should talk to them about this." I say.

"I agree. This needs to be out in the open." Zelena says.

"We cant it could get Emma hurt." I say.

"Yeah, but I think we should. After all we all are now a family and we need them to know that we know and that we dont judge them." Regina says.

"Three against one." Liam says.

"Fine, but Emma has to be with us when we confront them." I say.

"Okay." They say.

Emma's POV

I was working in Granny's when Killian walked in and motioned his hand for me to go over to him.

"Hey Im working whats up?" I ask.

"When your off meet me outside. Regina, Zelena, Liam, and I are confronting Cora and my father." He says.

"Oh my god. Are you sure?" I ask.

"I really dont want anything bad to happen, but the others they want this out and I kinda do to. Though I would gladly keep it to myself to keep you safe." He says.

"Im off in 10." I say.

"Excellent." He says and walked out.

After my shift I meet Killian outside and he gave me a long big kiss before we headed to my house. Cora was home and Liam texted Brennan to come over.

"Whats going on?" Brennan asks.

"We know the truth father." Killian says.

"What?" Cora questions.

"We know you guys have been lying and keeping something." Liam says.

"We know the truth." Zelena adds.

"I have no idea what your talking about." Cora says.

"Mother you know what we are talking about." Regina says.

"Cora they know. Lets not deny it anymore. I can keep lying to my boys." Brennan says.

"Before you admit it we want you Cora not to hurt Emma like you did last time." Killian says.

"I never tried to hurt Emma." Cora says.

"You cut the breaks on her car." Regina says.

"You think I did that. I didnt. When I told Brennan that I would hurt Emma if Killian found out I was lying. I knew Killian was listening." Cora admits

"Your a liar." Killian says.

"No Killian she isnt lying. I know when she lies and she isnt." I say.

"Then who did?" Zelena asks.

"I dont know I have been trying to figure it out. Anyway back to what you kids know. Yes.. Okay. Regina and Zelena are Liam and Killian's half sisters." Cora says.

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