Chapter 40

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Emma's POV

I walked over to Killian's house and Liam answered the door.

"Emma whats up?" He asks.

"Wheres Killian?" I ask.

"He is in his room." He tells me.

"Can I see him?" I ask.

"Yeah sure." He says.

I walked inside and went into Killian's room. He was lying down on his bed fast asleep so I walked up to him and kissed his head.

"I love you." I whisper to him.

I walked out and shut his door. I leaned against the door and tears formed in my eyes.

"Emma are you alright?" Brennan asks me.

"Yeah Im just fine." I say.

"Are you sure? Killian told me you were sad earlier and then you got mad at him. Whats the problem?" He asks.

"I have the opportunity to graduate early, but that means leaving him and everyone here. So I was sad about this choice I have to make. Then I felt bad about just not talking to him about it and saw him talking with Belle and thought about how easy it would be for him to forget me. Then when he came to talk to me he was the sweetest thing and I was mean to him. Then he gave me something I know meant everything you and your family. I felt so bad and now Im here. I wanted to tell him how much he means to me." I say.

"Emma I know my son and he loves you alot. You made him happy. He hasnt been the same since his mom died. Then he met you and it changed everything for him. You gave me my son back again. Thank you." He says.

"Do you think he will be mad at me?" I ask.

"Not at all. Killian wont be mad at you because you yelled at him and he wont be mad if you choose to follow your dreams. Killian loves you and he will let you go if its something that you really want. Dont ever think he will be mad at you. He loves you very much. I havent seen a couple so in love since I met his mother. Trust me no matter what he will always love you." He tells me.

"Thanks for that." I say.

"You know what. Why dont you just stay in his room with him till he awakes. Im sure if your the first thing he see it will make him very happy." He says.

He walked past me and I walked back into Killian's room. I looked at him just fast asleep and peaceful. I climbed into his bed and laid next to him. I rested my head on his and started closing my eye. Before I knew it I was asleep.

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