Chapter 35

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A couple weeks ago.

Killian's POV

I was at the docks cleaning up the ship because today I was taking Emma on a picnic on the ship.

"Killian! Killian! Wheres Emma!" Regina yells running up to me.

"I havent seen her yet today why?" I ask.

"She left this note." She says and hands it to me.

Whoever finds this note I just wanted to say goodbye. I cant do this anymore. After I had a run in to Milah and she made sense Im not good enough for anyone. So I took my car and Im leaving down this time no one can stop me for dying. Goodbye.


"No! I cant lose her I have to find her." I say.

"Well Im going with you." Regina says.

"Fine by me." I say.

We got to my house and got my dad's car keys.

"Where are you two headed?" Liam asks.

"Emma wants to kill herself I have to go get her." I say.

"I'll help too." He says.

"Whatever, but how will we find her?" Regina asks.

"We can use this." Zelena says.

"We? Your not going." Regina says to her.

"Yeah I am I have the tracker from Emma's car. Unless you want mom to know it was you who put Emma on a suicidal path in the first place." Zelena says.

"Okay. Get in the car. We have no time to fight. We have to save Emma." I say.

A few weeks later.

Emma's POV

Everyone said I should stay in my room and try to heal, but I had to see Killian. I snuck out of my room even though it hurt. I found Killian's room and I walked inside. I sat next to him and held his hand.

"Emma, shouldnt you be in bed." Belle says.

"I cant be away from him. This is all my fault." I say.

"Emma I promise you. I'll watch over him. You need rest." She says.

"No I need to be here with him." I say.

"Excuse me. Miss.Swan you need to be in your own bed." The doctor says.

"I need to stay with him." I say.

"You need to go to your room." He says.

"I dont want to." I say.

"You can go willingly or by force." He says.

"I'll take her back." Belle says and moves me out the door.

"But Killian.." I say.

"Its okay. Emma you really need to get stay in your room to heal. I promise you if anything changes with Killian I will tell you anything and everything. Now rest." She says.

"If he does wake up before you come to me please just tell him I love him." I say.

"Of course." She says.

I went back into my room and climbed back into the bed. I really hope Killian makes it through this.

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